VCOM - Auburn 2018 Yearbook

Via Research Recognition Day 2018

T he first annual Via Research Recognition Day at the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)-Auburn was held on May 16, 2018. The event featured research presentations and posters from 62 VCOM students, faculty, and local researchers. The featured speaker at VCOM- Auburn Via Research Day was Center at Auburn University and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnellan and Family Endowed Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University. He is also the co-director of the Alabama Advanced Imaging Consortium. Dr. Denney delivered this year’s keynote lecture, titled “Overview of Research at the Auburn University MRI Research Center.” Thomas S. Denney, Jr., PhD, Director of the MRI Research

In addition to “5-5-5” current research presentations by VCOM- Auburn faculty and a presentation from Keynote speaker, a poster session was held with awards given to top competitors.

Speakers Keynote Speaker: Overview of Research at the Auburn University MRI Research Center Thomas S. Denney, Jr., PhD Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnellan and Family Endowed Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Auburn University MRI Research Center Co-Director, Alabama Advanced Imaging Consortium 5-5-5 Research Presenters: Joshua C. Hollingsworth, PharmD, PhD Assistant Professor for Pharmacology Annie Newton Kirby, PhD, RD Assistant Professor for Preventative Medicine and Public Health and Cell Biology and Physiology Mark Sanders, DO, JD, MPH, LLM, FACOFP Interim Associate Dean for Medical Education and Discipline Chair for Geriatrics R. Kraig Smith, MD Discipline Co-Chair for OB-GYN Jeremy J. White, DO, PhD Discipline Chair for Emergency Medicine Kaelin C. Young, PhD Assistant Professor for Cell Biology and Physiology Sara Ziska, DVM, PhD Assistant Professor for Microbiology and Immunology

Guest speaker Thomas S. Denney, Jr, PhD



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