VCOM - Auburn 2017 Yearbook

student organizations

T he Student American Association of Osteopathy (SAAO) student organization at VCOM-Auburn spearheads exposure and interest in the field of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM). Based on guidelines set by the National AAO, members strive to acquire a better understanding of osteopathic principles, theories and practices by helping students attain maximum proficiency in osteopathic structural diagnosis and treatment, fostering a clear concept of the clinical applications of Osteopathy in health and disease. Members also work to improve public awareness of osteopathic medicine so the community can take better advantage of the benefits provided by this complete healthcare concept.

The VCOM-Auburn SAAO Chapter has been an instrumental influence in the community and student body. SAAO provides its members the opportunity to enhance and expand their osteopathic manipulative knowledge and skill, and enables its members to outreach to the community with osteopathic education and OMM treatment. On a regular basis, students meet with faculty to learn various techniques, treat one another and enhance their diagnostic and palpatory skills. The VCOM-Auburn chapter has achieved its mission to reach out to students and community by providing Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine presentations to promote osteopathic education awareness. The VCOM chapter has been the recipient of multiple national awards.


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