VCOM - Auburn 2017 Yearbook
student organizations
T he American College of Osteopathic Neurologists and Psychiatrists (Neuro/Psych) student organization was established at VCOM-Auburn for those interested in acquiring knowledge and expanding their understanding of the fields of neurology and psychiatry. The Auburn chapter of ACONP initiated a “Let’s Talk” campaign: a student-driven discussion forum formed each block. This effort allowed students to confide in one another personal stories of hardship, success, fears and hopes, with a focus on collective understanding, motivation and encouragement. ACONP has also formed a long-term partnership with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) East Alabama, with the purpose of fostering continued cooperation with NAMI East Alabama and each successive incoming VCOM- Auburn class. The ultimate goal is engaging the local community to raise awareness of mental illness, reduce stigma, provide outreach through volunteer opportunities
and gain insight into the everyday difficulties of those living with chronic mental illness. Through the exceptional work of the founding executive officers, ACONP has developed a “Crisis Intervention Training Program” to help address the epidemic of Medical Student depression and suicide. The goal of the program is to provide students the necessary tools to recognize the presentation of depression and suicidal ideations in their colleagues and the best ways in which to manage the situation. This past year has been an exciting time for ACONP, which hosted a variety of guest speakers and a few events. ACONP brought in Dr. Bradshaw, a board- certified psychiatrist and an aerospace medicine specialist, to speak about his experiences as a doctor in psychiatry. With his background in aerospace medicine, he provided intriguing stories about his journey to becoming a physician. In addition, the organization built
positive connections with Mary Ann Taylor, PhD and are in the process of establishing a “quiet room” on campus where students can be in a space of relaxation that is free of noise, stress of studying and other distractions. Mental health is an important component in creating healthy, successful physicians. Therefore, ACONP hosted a Pet Day at the campus pond so that students could get away from their rigorous schedule and daily activities. Pet Day featured all sorts of dog breeds and even Marvin the guinea pig! Finally, the club collaborated with the social committee to put on a March Madness bracket and watch party to further strengthen the further strengthen the bonds and friendships built at VCOM. Overall, it was a fun and enlightening first year for the club. We continue to expand the organization as we are going to have more speakers to give insight in this field, volunteering opportunities next year and a T-shirt!
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