VCOM - Auburn 2017 Yearbook
Brisson Voted VCOM-Auburn Student DO of the Year M embers of the VCOM- Auburn Student DO of the
second-year medical students because as current medical students and future physicians, they will be providing care and representing osteopathic medicine in Alabama and throughout the United States. “I’ve been involved in EMS for more than 14 years and it has allowed me to develop Brisson’s eagerness to share his extensive knowledge and the strong leadership he displays on and off campus has endeared Brisson to the students and faculty at VCOM-Auburn. Jake T. Williamson, PhD, VCOM- Auburn Assistant Vice President for Student Services, noted that Brisson was a sure choice for everyone at the VCOM-Auburn campus. “It was no surprise Mike was selected by the committee as he is an exemplary student in every sense of the word. His commitment to excelling at everything he pursues does not make him unique; however, the degree to which he is successful as a medical student, EMT, husband and father— simultaneously—is truly unique and commands the respect of all he encounters,” said Williamson. Brisson was heavily involved in numerous activities at the VCOM-Auburn campus including serving as a Peer anatomy a passion for teaching and mentoring,” said Brisson.
Year Committee announced their selection of a student that best represented the principles of leadership, community service, dedication and professionalism. Second-year medical student Mike Brisson was an easy choice for both the student body and the Committee as he represented all of these traits with unparalleled excellence. Initial nominations for the Student DO of the Year were submitted by students from the classes of 2019 and 2020 at VCOM- Auburn. The Student DO of the Year Committee then reviewed and ranked applications from the nominated students. “I am humbled and honored to have been selected by both my peers and the administration,” said Brisson. “It has a special meaning, particularly because we are members of the inaugural class. My classmates and professors have assisted me since day one of medical school and I wouldn’t be where I am today without their unending assistance,” added Brisson. Through both his military experience and emergency medical services (EMS) experience, Brisson has a strong background of skills to draw from. Brisson noted that he wanted to empower first and
Mike Brisson Class of 2019
lab instructor for surgical procedural skills. He was a
member of both SAMOPS, the Student Association of Military Osteopathic and Surgeons and SOMA, the Student Osteopathic Medical Association. Brisson served as SGA Secretary/ Treasurer in 2015-16 and served as SGA Treasurer for 2016-17. Brisson also served as a Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents Translating Osteopathic Understanding into Community Health coordinator (COSGP TOUCH), and as an American Heart Association ACLS/BLS/ PALS instructor. Brisson is a UH/HH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot in the Alabama Army National Guard where he serves as an aeromedical evacuation officer at the rank of captain. He has served overseas in Japan and
“ I am humbled & honored to have been selected
by both my peers and the administration. ”
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