VCOM 2023 Annual Report


SGIM Southern Regional Meeting. February 10, 2023, New Orleans, Plenary Oral Presentation Lindsey T , Drew D*, Minner N*, Flynn H*, Ranta J*, Dudley R*, Rapp R*, Paugh J*. Gamified Simulation of Gastrointestinal Emergency in Preclinical Medical Student Education. South Carolina Conference On Innovations Inteaching And Learning In Higher Education (SCCITL). Coastal Carolina University, July 20, 2023. Osmun M*, Turnbull J . Creating and Evaluating a Closed Iatrogenic Adduction Ankle Fracture in a Formalin-Embalmed Cadaver. Louisiana Orthopedic Association Conference. New Orleans, LA: March 19, 2022. Peddibhotla V*, Johnston T*, Lee T*, Fang C*, Smucker M*, Baray A*, Millard JA . Radial Artery Dominance in the Forearm – A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Oral Presentation Presented at the 2023 Appalachian Student Research Forum hosted by East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Rady N*, Guerra J*, Michalak K , Faraji A*, Kang L , Michalak P , DiGiuseppe S . Identifying Site Specific Mutations that Increase SARS-CoV-2 Virulence using Selective Sweep Analysis. Poster Presentation, American Society of Microbiology South Central Branch Annual Meeting, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, October 27-29, 2022.

Carter ML and Reedy, EA. A Tragic Outcome for a Surgical Patient in Alabama Highlights Obstacles for Rural Healthcare and Avenues for Forensic Science Research. Presentation for 22nd Annual Rural Health Conference: Turn the Tide: Preventing, Treating, and Investigating the Opioid Crisis, hosted by the Institute for Rural Health Research and the National Center on Forensics. April 12, 2023, at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Carter ML, Mount G, Rodriguez M, Lall R, Stephen D , Reedy E, Shuler K, Ennis L, Ledbetter M, White A, Snider P . A Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Forensic Medicine Elective for Primary Care Physicians. Lightning Round Podium Presentation, Innovations in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in Medical Education Conference, Harrison College of Pharmacy, Auburn University, June 9, 2022. Carter ML. How Laws Influence Death Investigation Involving Human Skeletal Remains in the United States. Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Forensic Science Seminar. Virtual Lecture via Zoom, March 2, 2023. Costa B. The Glutamate Receptors & Me. This presentation was made at the Virginia Tech Center for One Health Research (COHR) on June 28, 2023. Goode C*, Blackmon L, Douthit NT . Could Cobalt be the Culprit? Presented by Ms. Claire Goode at

As an active researcher and investigator for over 20 years, my focus is always on translational clinical research and projects. My main role in any project is being a mentor to the medical students. Every project starts with an idea; a thesis to be examined and investigated. The assigned students will research the thesis and perform the literature review. When the thesis is deemed valuable and applicable, then a purpose of the research will be defined with the main aim to answer the main research question. Research is rewarding, but it requires patience, dedication, and time allocation. Hanna Sahhar, MD, FAAP, FACOP DISCIPLINE CHAIR FOR PEDIATRICS VCOM-Carolinas Faculty Since 2011


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