VCOM 2023 Annual Report
VCOM Research Articles (continued)
Kousoulas KG, Esnault S, Huang S, Chamcheu JC. Dual targeting of mTOR/IL-17A and autophagy by fisetin alleviates psoriasis-like skin inflammation. Front Immunol. 2023 Jan 18;13:1075804. PMID: 36741386; PMCID: PMC9889994. Ruane PW*, Carr M, Tjiattas-Saleski L . A man with traumatic vision loss. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open. 2022 Nov 14;3(6):e12854. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12854. PMID: 36381481; PMCID: PMC9660845. Ruiz E, Kandil E, Alhassan S, Toraih E, Errami Y, Elmageed ZYA , Zerfaoui M. An Integrative Multi-Omics Analysis of The Molecular Links between Aging and Aggressiveness in Thyroid Cancers. Aging Dis. 2023 Jun 1;14(3):992-1012. doi: 10.14336/ AD.2022.1021. PMID: 37191407; PMCID: PMC10187705. Ruiz EM, Alhassan SA, Errami Y, Abd Elmageed ZY , Fang JS, Wang G, Brooks MA, Abi-Rached JA, Kandil E, Zerfaoui M. A Predictive Model of Adaptive Resistance to BRAF/MEK Inhibitors in Melanoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 May 7;24(9):8407. doi: 10.3390/
ijms24098407. PMID: 37176114; PMCID: PMC10178962.
Sharp AK, Newman D*, Libonate G*, Borns-Stern M*, Bevan DR, Brown AM, Anandakrishnan R . Biophysical insights into OR2T7: Investigation of a potential prognostic marker for glioblastoma. Biophys J. 2022 May 10:S0006-3495(22)00376-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2022.05.009. PMID: 35538663. Siddique AB, Ebrahim HY, Tajmim A, King JA, Abdelwahed KS, Abd Elmageed ZY , El Sayed KA. Oleocanthal Attenuates Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Progression and Recurrence by Targeting SMYD2. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 21;14(14):3542. PMID: 35884603. Simon AM, Cheverko CM , Clark MA, Mellendorf TD, Hubble M. The Effects of Physiological Stress on the Accuracy of Age-at-Death Estimation in The Hamann–Todd Collection. Forensic Sci. 2023;3(1):149-168; (registering DOI).
Ruple BA, Smith MA, Osburn SC, Sexton CL, Godwin JS, Edison JL , Poole CN, Stock MS, Fruge AD, Young KC , Roberts MD. Comparisons between skeletal muscle imaging techniques and histology in tracking midthigh hypertrophic adaptations following 10 weeks of resistance training. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2022 Jun 30. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00219.2022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35771220. Sabazali C, Cheverko CM . Exploring the inclusion of developmental stress trajectories on past adult mortality patterns: Quantifying skeletal plasticity and adult mortality risk in post-medieval London using a probability tree model. Int J Osteoarchaeol. DOI:10.1002/oa.3097. Sawesi S, Malkaram SA, Abd Elmageed ZY , Fandy TE. Modulation of the activity of histone lysine methyltransferases and demethylases by curcumin analog in leukaemia cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2022 Nov;26(22):5624-5633. PMID:
Skoczek AC*, Ruane PW*, Onley C*, Haydel T*, Ortega MV, Sutphin
*Denotes VCOM Student Author
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