VCOM 2023 Annual Report

VCOM Funded Seed Grants (continued)

Virginia Campus Ramu Anandakrishnan, PhD • VCOM & VMCVM One Health Program: OR2T7: Functional

Jon Hagar, PhD • REAP: Local and systemic

Stephen DiGiuseppe, PhD • VCOM REAP: Uncovering the mechanism of how poxviruses hijack host translational machinery to promote infection. Kasia Michalak serves as an Investigator on this project. • REAP: Toward a NextGen Surveillance System for Infectious Disease (NGSSID) across VCOM’s Central America and Caribbean Regional Network. Dr. Sutphin serves as Co-PI with Pawel Michalak, PhD, and Stephen DiGuiseppe, PhD. David Redden, PhD, Lin Kang, PhD, and Kasia Michalak, MSc serve as Coinvestigators. Zakaria Elmageed, PhD • Delta CRP: PCSK9 axis: Novel molecular target and inhibitor for Characterizes Molecular Mechanisms that Upregulate Expression of Mutant Proteins to Generate Cancer Stem Cells. Dr. Kang serves as Co-PI with a collaborator from ULM College of Pharmacy. Pawel Michalak, PhD • VCOM & VMCVM One Health Program: Ongoing SARS-CoV-2 evolution and spillover to animal reservoirs: A One Health approach to a global public health crisis. Dr. Michalak is Co-PI on this project with a collaborator from VMCVM and Lin Kang, PhD serves as an Investigator. • REAP: Toward a NextGen Surveillance System for Infectious Disease (NGSSID) across VCOM’s Central America and Caribbean Regional Network. Dr. Sutphin serves as Co-PI with Pawel Michalak, PhD, and Stephen DiGuiseppe, PhD. David Redden, PhD, Lin Kang, PhD, and Kasia Michalak, MSc serve as Coinvestigators. metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer recurrence. Dr. Elmageed serves as Co-PI with a collaborator from ULM College of Pharmacy. Lin Kang, PhD • Delta CRP: RNA Sequencing

inflammatory response in open abdomen surgeries using vacuum assisted closure with or without continuous irrigation direct peritoneal resuscitation. Dr Hagar serves as CO PI along with Luciana Schwab, PhD, Patrick Fisher, PhD and a collaborator from Spartanburg Regional Health System. • VCOM & VMCVM One Health Program: Deciphering Complex Regulatory Mechanisms Targeting Noncanonical NF-kB Signaling During Colorectal Cancer. Dr. Brown serves as Co-PI in partnership with Stephan Brown, MD, PhD and a collaborator at VMCVM. Izabele Marquetti, PhD • REAP ICTAS (matching funds from VT ICTAS): Combinatorial Treatment of Spinal Cord Injuries with Concurrent Traumatic Brain Injuries: Use of a Neural Bioscaffold plus Neurotrophic Factors. A collaborator from VT Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics serves as Co-PI. Krit Ritthipichai, PhD • REAP: Manipulation of RBPMS to generate potent T-cell products with enhanced in vivo persistence. inflammatory response in open abdomen surgeries using vacuum assisted closure with or without continuous irrigation direct peritoneal resuscitation. Dr. Schwab serves as Co-PI along with Jon Hagar, PhD, Patrick Fisher, PhD and a collaborator from Spartanburg Regional Health System. Luciana Schwab, PhD • REAP: Local and systemic

Mechanism of a Plant Like Kinase in Toxoplasma Pathogenesis. Dr. Anandakrishnan serves as Co-PI with a collaborator from VMCVM. P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO • REAP ICTAS (matching funds from VT ICTAS): Measuring interstitial fluid flow within the injured brain following Cranial Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (cOMM). A collaborator from VT Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics serves as Co-PI along with Dr. Brolinson. Al Kozar, DO • REAP: Ultrasound Assessment of OMT on Diaphragm & Visceral Organ Motion. Dr. Kozar and Luke Robinson, DO are Co-PIs on this research. Jim Mahaney, PhD • VCOM & VMCVM One Health Program: Prophylactic Effects of Early Administration of Aspirin and Ibuprofen on Severe Frostbite. Collaborators from VMCVM and Orange Park Medical Center are Co PIs with Dr. Mahaney on this study. Several clinicians from Orange Park Medical Center are Investigators. OMT on Diaphragm & Visceral Organ Motion. Dr. Robinson and Al Kozar, DO are Co-PIs on this research. Dean Sutphin, PhD • REAP: Toward a NextGen Surveillance System for Infectious Disease (NGSSID) across VCOM’s Central America and Caribbean Regional Network. Dr. Sutphin serves as Co-PI with Pawel Michalak, PhD, and Stephen DiGuiseppe, PhD. David Redden, PhD, Lin Kang, PhD, and Kasia Michalak, MSc serve as Coinvestigators. Luke Robinson, DO • REAP: Ultrasound Assessment of

Louisiana Campus

Dinesh Aryal, PhD • Delta CRP: Cannabidiol (CBD): A Neuroprotective Therapy for Hypoglycemia-Associated Brain Injury. Dr. Aryal serves as Co-PI with a collaborator from ULM College of Pharmacy.

*Denotes VCOM Student Author


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