VCOM 2023 Annual Report

T he medical mission trip in Tegucigalpa was an amazing experience. Not only were the medical brigades in beautiful communities, but they were also meeting the needs of hundreds of individuals. Personally, the most valuable thing about this mission trip was being able to conduct patient interviews in Spanish. As a third-year medical student, I have had the opportunity to interview patients, but unfortunately my area does not have a high Spanish speaking population. As a Spanish speaker myself, it has always been my goal to address patients in their native language whenever possible. This trip made that possible for me for the very first time. This is the beginning of many more Spanish patient interactions and many more medical mission trips. I am very thankful for this experience and having been a part of touching so many lives.

Ambar Zapata, medical student VCOM-Louisiana Class of 2025

J acob Harrison, DO, was glad for the chance to get to know patients on the USNS Comfort while he was a medical student. Surgery patients completed the process of prescreening, pre-operation, surgery and post operation on three consecutive days. “On the first day, we were all strangers, but after seeing them three days in a row, we were all very familiar with each other. You could tell a dramatic shift from timid and nervous,

to excited and appreciative. I think their time on the Comfort was just as much of an experience for them as it was for me.

Jacob Harrison, DO, alumnus VCOM-Auburn Class of 2023


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