VCOM 2021 Annual Report
Funded Research and Grants (continued)
Research Training Grant: The effect of facial effleurage on complement C3 in patients with acute rhinosinusitis. Jillian Bradley, PhD, serves as faculty mentor on this project.
Virginia Tech PI and Dr. Kang, PhD is the VCOM PI.
Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Turnbull serves as Co-PI along with Stephanie Aldret, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Travis Smith, DO and John Lipka, MD.
John Lipka, MD • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Lipka serves as Co- PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Travis Smith, DO and Stephanie Aldret, DO. conservation genetics: diet composition and population structure. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award. Dr. Michalak serves as the Virginia Tech PI and Lin Kang, PhD is the VCOM PI. • Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: Development and testing of environmental DNA protocols for detection of Yellowfin Madtom in Virginia. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award and Dr. Michalak serves as the PI. • Federal Agency: Integrative Genomics Approach to Computational Assessment of Threats (IGACAT). Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award and Dr. Michalak is an investigator. Travis Smith, DO • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Smith serves as Co- PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Stephanie Aldret, DO and John Lipka, MD. Jacob Turnbull, DO • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Pawel Michalak, PhD • U.S. Geological Survey: Hawaiian hoary bat
Louisiana Campus
Virginia Campus
Randy Aldret, EdD • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Aldret serves as Co- PI along with Jacob Turnbull,
Michael Breiner, MD • Ethicon US: VCOM Advanced Suturing Clinic for Residents & Medical Students. P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO • National Institutes of Health: Biomechanical basis of pediatric mTBI due to sports related concussion. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award and Dr. Brolinson is the VCOM PI. P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO (cont.) • National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)/Department of Defense (DOD): DOD-NCAA Grand Challenge: Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) consortium: Parts 1 and 2. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award. Dr. Brolinson is VCOM PI, and Mark Rogers, DO is a VCOM Investigator on this study. Association (AOA): Clearance of brain metabolic waste in a natural animal model of Alzheimer’s disease by cranial osteopathic manipulation. P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO and Hope Tobey, DO are investigators on this project. • American Heart Association: Development and pharmacological characterization of mechanistically distinct NMDA receptor allosteric modulators. Blaise Costa, MPharm, PhD • American Osteopathic
DO; Stephanie Aldret, DO; Travis Smith, DO and John Lipka, MD.
Stephanie Aldret, EdD • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Aldret serves as Co- PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Travis Smith, DO and John Lipka, MD. Loan Repayment Program: Uncovering the mechanism of how poxviruses hijack the host translational machinery to promote infection. Lin Kang, PhD • National Science Foundation: Integrating Genotype, Phenotype, and Environment to Identify Biomarkers of Coronavirus Disease Severity and Transmission. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award and Dr. Kang is the VCOM PI. • U.S. Geological Survey: Hawaiian hoary bat conservation genetics: diet composition and population structure. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award. Pawel Michalak, PhD is the Stephen DiGiuseppe, PhD • National Institutes of Health
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