VCOM 2021 Annual Report
Louisiana Outreach Sharing Food - VCOM-Louisiana donated the extra food from a lunch event to the Salvation Army of Monroe, Louisiana, serving Northeast Louisiana. This helped combat food waste and provided meals for those in need. Toy Donations - VCOM-Louisiana faculty, staff and students donated toys from the Giving Tree to the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home in Monroe. Four carts full of gifts were collected for the children. Donations were also collected to support the efforts of the Junior League of Monroe. The campus collected 55 new pillows for the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. Food for Hurricane Victims - Two students from the SOMA student organization who were from the Lake Charles area coordinated a food donation to the Catholic Charities group in Lake Charles following the category 4 hurricane, Laura. Food Drive - The students organized a food drive for the Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana during the drive-thru for the Class of 2024 to receive their stethoscopes with the Louisiana Osteopathic Medical Association (LOMA). Fundraisers for Women in Need - students held two fundraisers for The Wellspring, which offers assistance to women in need. • The first was a “Pie in the Face” fundraiser put on by ACOEP where students donated money in the box of the faculty/staff member they most wanted to get a pie in the face during the Crawfish Boil. • The second was called “Do It For the Girls,” which was put on by AMWA and ACOOG and asked for specific donation items requested by The Wellspring.
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