VCOM 2020 Annual Report
Kraig Smith, MD • VCOM REAP Award: Post-surgical evaluation of the pelvic organ prolapse repairs using Cine- MRI. Kenneth Harris, MD, and a colleague from AU Electrical and Computer Engineering are Co-PIs. Kaelin Young, PhD • VCOM & AUCVM One Health Program Award: Examining the effects of skeletal muscle LINE-1 overexpression on muscle function and aging. Collaborators from AUCVM and AU Kinesiology are Dr. Young’s Co-PIs on this study. Other investigators are from AU School of Pharmacy and Kinesiology Department. Auburn Campus (continued) Funded Research and Grants 2019-2020
Tiffany Carpenetti, PhD • VCOM REAP Award: Bringing precision medicine to the anatomy
and adverse events in colon cancer patients treated with irinotecan.
Alexis Stoner, PhD, MPH • VCOM REAP Award: The implicit elephant in medical education: improving resident and student learning outcomes through implementing a clinical-educator curriculum. Dr. Stoner serves as Co-PI on this project along with a colleague from Orange Park Medical Center.
lab. Robin Varghese, PhD, is the Co-PI on this project and
Skip Garner, PhD; John Anstrom, PhD, and Ramu Anandakrishnan, PhD, are investigators. Blaise Costa, MPharm, PhD • VCOM REAP Award: Novel cranial mechanisms for improving brain Brolinson, DO, and Hope Tobey, DO, and a colleague at VMCVM serve as investigators. • VCOM REAP Award: Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of GluN1/2A/2B triheteromeric NMDA receptor selective modulators. Skip Garner, PhD • VCOM REAP Award: Evidence-based optimization of the Bredesen protocol for diminished mental capacity. Dixie Tooke-Rawlins, DO, is the Co-PI, and Selen Olgun, MD, PhD, Nick Kinney, PhD, Robin Varghese, PhD, and a clinician at a private health clinic are investigators on this project. Terry Hrubec, DVM, PhD • VCOM REAP Award: Establishing toxicological endpoints with human QAC exposure. metabolic waste clearance in Alzheimer’s disease. Gunnar
Virginia Campus
P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO • VCOM REAP Award (matching
funds from VT ICTAS): Investigating the physiological effects of cranial osteopathic manipulative medicine on mild traumatic brain injury. Dr. Brolinson is Co-PI on this project with a collaborator from VT Biomedical Engineering. Natalie Hyppolite, DO, is an investigator. • VCOM REAP Award (matching funds from VT ICTAS): Innovative strategies for fall prevention using osteopathic evaluation and balance training. A collaborator from VT Industrial and Systems Engineering serves as Co- PI along with Dr. Brolinson. David Woodson, DO, is an investigator as are faculty from VT Engineering.
Carolinas Campus
Stephan Brown, MD, PhD • VCOM & VMCVM One Health Research Center Award: Top-
down or bottom-up tumorigenesis: defining the role of non- canonical NF- κ B signaling in colorectal cancer. A collaborator from VMCVM serves as Co-PI with Dr. Brown on this project.
Steve Enkemann, PhD • VCOM REAP Award:
Comprehensive genetic testing as a mechanism for reducing toxicity
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