VCOM 2020 Annual Report
EL SALVADOR Outreach Trips O ver the course of two trips, the team served approximately 608 pediatric, adult and elderly patients. Clinical activities in El Salvador included day trips to underserved areas in communities in San Salvador and Sonsonate. Regardless of the location, the group quickly assembled tents and OMM tables to transform local schools and churches into temporary clinics. Medicines were donated to VCOM’s partner clinic, the Shalom Family Medical Center, as part of VCOM’s continuous care to local residents and international clinic network. The days spent in El Salvador were a rewarding experience for all involved. VCOM’s medical team visited the orphanage – Asociación Amigos por Latinoamérica (AMILAT) Shalom Children’s Home. The team provided snacks and goody bags for the children to enjoy. VCOM students were grateful for the opportunity to expand their medical experience while gaining cultural sensitivity in and outside of the clinic. The preceptors had the chance to impart much of their knowledge and experience to the student doctors. The outreach trip was inspiring for all those who gave their time to meet needs and make a difference for underserved communities in El Salvador.
I am now more confident than ever that I have chosen exactly what I was meant to do: help others.”
— Jacqueline Strong VCOM-Virginia
I’ve been on a few mission trips prior to this one, but I was always frustrated knowing that the people I served may not have proper follow up. With VCOM’s in-country clinics, I didn’t have to worry about that this time. I would suggest all students at VCOM experience the opportunity to serve the people of El Salvador through the Medical Outreach Program. It’s one of the major reasons I chose to attend VCOM.”
— Zach Holley VCOM-Auburn
Not once did I meet a patient that didn’t express their gratitude for us and, ultimately, VCOM. I am so thankful to be a part of a school that provides the opportunity to serve and care for some of the most underserved in the world.”
— Katie Holley VCOM-Auburn
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