VCOM 2020 Annual Report
Publications (continued) Scholarly Activities 2019-2020
Tobey H , Bledsoe D, Mykins M, Lucas T, Campbell C, Berr S, Sasser T, Molinos C, Helm R, Shan L , Brolinson PG , Klein B, Costa B . A non-pharmacological therapy improves spatial memory, waste clearance and neurotransmission in naturally aged rat model of Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Medicine. In press. Tobey H , Lucas T, Bledsoe D, Mykins M, Campbell C, Berr S, Sasser T, Helm R, Brolinson PG , Klein BG, Costa BM . Effect of osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine on an aged rat model of Alzheimer Disease. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2019 Oct 15 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 31613309. Van Hoek ML, Prickett MD, Settlage RE, Kang L, Michalak P , Vliet KA, Bishop B. The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) genome and identification of innate immunity genes and clusters. BMC Genomics. 2019 Aug 30;20(1):684. PMID: 31470795. Van Horn L, Lenders CM, Pratt CA, Beech B, Carney PA, Dietz W, DiMaria- Ghalili R, Harlan T, Hash R, Kohlmeier M, Kolasa K, Krebs NF, Kushner RF, Lieh-Lai M, Lindsley J, Meacham S , Nicastro H, Nowson C, Palmer C, Paniagua M, Philips E, Ray S, Rose S, Salive M, Schofield M, Thompson K, Trilk JL, Twillman G, White JD, Zappalà G, Vargas
Pediatricians. 2019 Summer;11(3). Dickens B , inventor. Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, assignee. Iron Grip. United States patent US 10,252,105. 2019 April 9. Fox CD, Vann CG, Haun CT, Osburn SC, Romero MA, Roberson PA, Mumford PW, Moon JR, Young KC , Roberts MD. Active and passive recovery following high volume resistance training: Markers of molecular gene expression [abstract]. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 2019 May;51(6):652. Giles AB, Foushee JA , Lantz E, Gumina GG. Sulfonamide allergies. Pharmacy (Basel). 2019 Sep 11;7(3). Pii: E132. PMID: 31514363. *Grandprey EL, *Joubert KP, Haun CT, Vann CG, Roberson PA, Mumford PW, Romero MA, Osburn SC, Mobley BC, Moon JR, Roberts MD, Young KC . Agreement between dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and a new standing bioimpedance spectroscopy device for detecting changes in fat-free tissue [abstract]. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 2019 May;51(6):504. Hyser E, Sahhar HS , Woollen C. Modified Whipple on an 18-month-old with traumatic pancreatic transection and duodenal rupture. Trauma Case Rep. 2019 Aug 29;23:100241. PMID: 31517015. Kerger S, Rogers M , et al. Musculoskeletal concerns. In PPE Preparticipation Physical Evaluation 5 th edition. American Academy of Pediatrics. June 2019.
A, Lynch C. Advancing Nutrition Education, Training, and Research for Medical Students, Residents, Fellows, Attending Physicians, and Other Clinicians: Building Competencies and Interdisciplinary Coordination. Adv Nutr. 2019 Nov 1;10(6):1181-1200. PMID: 31728505. Vann CG, Roberson PA, Osburn SC, Mumford PW, Romero MA, Fox CD, Moore JH, Haun CT, Beck DT , Moon JR, Kavazis AN, Young KC , Badisa VLD, Mwashote BM, Ibeanusi V, Sigh RK, Roberts MD. Skeletal Muscle Myofibrillar Protein Abundance Is Higher in Resistance-Trained Men, and Aging in the Absence of Training May Have an Opposite Effect. Sports (Basel). 2020 Jan 10;8(1). pii E7. PMID: 31936810. Abstracts, Patents, Book Chapters and Other Publications *Carroll-Driscoll H, *Quigley M, Turner K, Sahhar H . Retrospective analysis of the impact of FilmArray respiratory panel utilization on the management of pediatric influenza cases. eJournal of the American College of Osteopathic
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