VCOM - 2019 Annual Report

“ The first thing I learned from traveling internationally was how innovative the doctors and staff were.They worked with so much less technology than what we have and were still able to do a lot of

“ Attending these international rotations offered not only practical medicine training, but forced me to actually put my osteopathic training to work. I’m not just talking about OMT.We did

what we can here. I also learned about each country’s culture and the people that live there. I loved getting to know the local people and see their country through their eyes. I think what really stood out to me was the resilience people have, as well as how friendly and grateful patients were. These experiences taught me that I want to help underserved individuals throughout my life.That includes here and abroad. I want this to be a part of my future medical career every day. It is a part of medicine that I have found revitalizes me and makes me realize the bigger picture and why I chose to go into medicine. ” LeShea Quade,

plenty of OMT-from colonic milking of a colicky baby to counter-strain on a woman who carried heavy buckets of clothes on her head every day. We performed many of the useful techniques you spend hours learning in lab. More importantly, I’m talking about the osteopathic training that ingrains in you the concept that people are a composite of mind, body and spirit, and to achieve health, you must balance all three. One component innately affects another component. In Honduras, we had the opportunity to attend 24-hour obstetrician calls alongside local medical students where we learned not only about medicine but the difference between U.S. and Honduran medical schools. I delivered four babies personally; the other students on rotation with me each delivered three. We had the opportunity to scrub in on cesarean sections and to take care of the women post-labor. More than practical skills training, you have the opportunity to learn how medicine is practiced with far fewer resources. It teaches you to think on your feet, be a problem solver and appreciate what you have at your fingertips in the United States. ” Amy Jackson,

VCOM-Carolinas Class of 2019 International Rotation student

VCOM-Carolinas Class of 2019 International Rotation student



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