VCOM - 2019 Annual Report

El Salvador Outreach I n partnership with the El Salvador Ministry of Health, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (UEES) and the AMILAT Foundation, VCOM assists with the operation of the Shalom Medical Center. This clinic, located in an impoverished community in San Salvador, offers prenatal, pediatric, emergency and primary care services. Dental services, provided by a full-time dentist and dental assistant, have been recently added. Additionally, a nutritionist has been added to the staff roster. Shalom Medical Center also provides care to a nearby school and orphanage, both operated by AMILAT. The clinic, which serves up to 70 patients per day, also contains a laboratory and a pharmacy. New updates to the laboratory provide immediate results for patient consultations. Recent equipment upgrades to the clinic include a second ambulance and a complete blood count (CBC) machine, with additional funding secured for a backup generator and cervical cancer prevention equipment. The clinic provided 35 VCOM students with one- month rotations. A newly-implemented video conferencing system at the clinic will benefit research, education, clinical services and program development areas. UEES, a collaborating medical school, provides more than 40 medical students who collaborate and serve as interpreters

videoconferencing program that encourages the sharing of knowledge across countries on ways to address global health challenges. VCOM also provides care for rural populations in El Salvador, including communities in the mountainous areas around Chalatenango. A partnership with the Decameron Resort aims to improve healthcare in western sections near Guatemala, including Sonsonate. Additionally, VCOM faculty and students conduct an annual first responder training workshop for resort employees. The Decameron Resort provides interpreters, food and housing for students

and faculty. Work is underway for the Shalom Clinic to become part of the Samaritan’s Purse network of medical clinics.

during VCOM medical mission trips. Additionally, students from UEES

and VCOM learn together through the Global Seminar Program, an annual


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