VCOM - 2019 Annual Report
MESSAGE FROM THE VIRGINIA DEAN Fulfilling Our Purpose JAN M. WILLCOX, DO, FACOFP N early two decades ago, the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) was founded with a specific purpose of developing and empowering physicians to provide extraordinary healthcare and leadership in rural and medically underserved areas that face the greatest need such as Southwest Virginia and the southern Appalachian region. Our Mission is accomplished by recruiting students from rural areas, training in rural and underserved areas and then returning physicians to their home communities to practice medicine. Almost 90% of VCOM medical students come from at-risk, distressed or transitional counties in Appalachia, and 22% hail from communities of less than 10,000 population. More than 2,200 VCOM-Virginia alumni have been added to the physician workforce since 2007. Additionally, more than 77% of VCOM alumni and residents practice in a county classified as at-risk, distressed or transitional. Demonstrating their commitment to the Mission, more than 100 alumni have returned to our rural and underserved sites as clinical teaching faculty. Nearly 40% of our graduates are practicing in rural or medically underserved areas in Virginia. Our Global Physician Initiative has included more than 100 alumni mentoring students at VCOM’s international clinic sites in Honduras, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. I am proud of VCOM-Virginia and the other VCOM campuses as we fulfill our inspired purpose of bringing physicians to those most in need.
178 graduates in the
VCOM-Virginia Class of 2019
2,201 physicians have graduated from VCOM-Virginia since 2007
54 % of Virginia Alumni have entered Primary Care practice Classes of 2007-2013 VCOM Outcomes Report
64 % of graduates practice in a rural or medically underserved region
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