VCOM - 2019 Annual Report
Gebhart VM, Caldwell JD , Rodewald A, Kalyvianaki K, Kampa M, Jirikowski GF. Estrogen receptors and sex hormone binding globulin in neuronal cells and tis- sue [Review]. Steroids. 2019 Feb;142:94- 99. PMID: 30030052. Hajdu Z , Nagy-Mehesz A. Hematopoi- etic-derived progenitor cells identified in mouse heart valves are also present in human mitral valves [Abstract]. Circulation Research. 2018 Jan 30;121:A339. Hollingsworth JC , Fox BI. Chapter 26: Pharmacy informatics: Enabling safe and efficacious medication use. In Malone PM, Kier KL, Stanovich JE, Malone MJ (Eds), Drug Information — A Guide for Phar- macists, 6th edition. Pg 1115-1152. New York. McGraw-Hill Medical. 2018. Hrubec TC , Hunt PA. Response to Hostetler [letter]. Birth Defects Research. 2018 Apr 3;110(6):545-546. PMID: 29341440. Kerger S, Rogers M , et al. Musculoskeletal concerns. In PPE Preparticipation Physical Evaluation 5 th edition. American Academy of Pediatrics. In press: June 2019. Lujan HL, Augustyniak RA , DiCarlo SE. Physiology of the cerebrovascular system. In Hans, Sachinder Singh (Ed.), Extracrani- al Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease (pp. 9-19). New York, USA: Springer Interna- tional Publishing. Parry HA, Mobley CB, Mumford PW, Romero MA, Zhang Y, Zempleni J, Young KC , Roberts MD, Kavazis AN. Dairy exo- somes effects on mitochondria function and antioxidant enzymes in growing male and female rats [Abstract]. The FASEB Journal. 2018 Apr 20:32(1S):853. Palmieri JR , Meacham SL , Warehime J, Stokes SA, Ogle J, Leto D, Bax M, Dauer AM, Lozovski JM. Relationships between the weaning period and the introduction of complementary foods in the transmission of gastrointestinal parasitic infections in children In Honduras. In Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. 26 July 2018 Volume 2018:9: Pages 113—122. Rogers M , Strasser N. Posterior Shoulder Instability. In Essential Orthopedics. 2nd Edition. Eds. Miller M, Hart J, McKnight J. Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA. In press.
Rogers M , Valvano K. Special Populations: Pediatrics. In Essential Orthopedics. 2nd Edition. Eds. Miller M, Hart J, McKnight J. Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA. In press. Rogers M , Wong C. Subacromial Im- pingement. In Essential Orthopedics. 2nd Edition. Eds. Miller M, Hart J, McKnight J. Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA. In press. Rogers M . Meralgia Paresthetica. In Essential Orthopedics. 2nd Edition. Eds. Miller M, Hart J, McKnight J. Elsevier: Philadelphia, PA. In press. Rzigalinski B . Cerium oxide nanopar- ticles improve lifespan of stored blood [Abstract]. MHSRS Archives. 2018 Military Health System Research Symposium. Rzigalinski B . Cerium oxide nanoparticles in the treatment of blast injury [Abstract]. MHSRS Archives. 2018 Military Health System Research Symposium. Sahhar HS . Pediatric Critical Care Hand- book for PICU Rotations (First Ed). 2018. ISBN 978-17323417-0-8. Stoner AM , Cennamo KS. Enhancing Reflection within Situated Learning: Incor- porating Mindfulness as an Instructional Strategy. 2018 March 1. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70326-8. Faculty National and International Seminars and Presentations * Denotes VCOM Student Author Ables AZ , Shan L , Broyles I. Faculty vitality in osteopathic medical schools: A pilot study. Presented at the Annual AACOM Conference. Washington, DC: 2018 April 19. Ables AZ, Stoner AM , Shan L, Lujan H, DiCarlo SE, Augustyniak RA . Assessment of non-cognitive skills in medical students during collaborative group testing. Poster presented at the Annual IAMSE Confer- ence. Las Vegas, NV: 2018 June 11. *Barcroft M, *Bland S, Sahhar HS . Human metapneumovirus causing pertussis-like syndrome: First reported case in medical literature. Presented at the American Col-
lege of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP) Spring Conference. Fort Myer, FL: 2018 April 12-15. *Barcroft M, *Bland S, Sahhar HS . A retrospective analysis of the impact of FilmArray respiratory panel utilization on the management of pediatric asthma exacerbations. Poster presented at the American College of Osteopathic Pedia- tricians Spring Conference. Fort Myer, FL: 2018 April 12-15. *Bryant J, McDonald VA, Blount KM, Hru- bec TC . The effects of quaternary ammo- nium compounds (QACS) on development of immunoglobulin responses. Presented at Teratology Society Annual Meeting. Clearwater, FL: 2018 June 23-27. *Byrd CE, *Payne SE, Hrubec TC . Does maternal exposure to quaternary ammo- nium compounds affect inflammatory processes in fetal mouse brain? Presented at Teratology Society Annual Meeting. Clearwater, FL: 2018 June 23-27. *Carroll H, *Freund K, *Von Harten EC, Stoner AM , Shan L , Sahhar HS . PLAY: promoting lifelong activity in youth - an osteopathic approach to engage children in physical activity while incorporating step tracking devices. Poster presented at the American College of Osteopathic Pedia- tricians Spring Conference. Fort Myer, FL: 2018 April 12-15. Dhulekar J, Hajdu Z , Simionescu D, Simionescu A. Diabetes resistant tissue engineered vascular grafts. Poster presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: 2018 October 17-19. Eck B , Zabinsky J, Goforth M, Shan L , Rogers M , Brolinson PG . Trends of caffeine use in an intercollegiate athletic population. Poster presented at the 33 rd Annual AOASM Annual Conference. Co- lumbus, OH: 2018 May 2. Haun C, Vann C, Mobley C, Roberson P, Osburn S, Holmes H, Mumford PW, Rome- ro M, Young K , Moon J, Gladden L, Arnold R, Israetel M, Newton A , Roberts M. Effects of graded whey supplementation during extreme-volume resistance training. Presented at the 2018 Integrative Physiol- ogy of Exercise Meeting. San Diego, CA: 2018 September 5-8.
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