VCOM 2017 Annual Report

inspired by innovation

P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO Vice Provost for Research inspired by innovative research

T he practice of medicine is constantly changing due to advancements in research. Results emerging from clinical research provide entirely new areas of promise for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, as well as guiding and maintaining health. Recently, research on the human genome has led to a dramatic increase in accuracy of treatment and reduction in healthcare costs. The research mission of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) has broadened as the College continues to conduct research in a larger variety of areas, at a greater depth. With the involvement of our medical students, the quantity and quality of research from the College has grown, and students have already started on a path to becoming future clinician-researchers. Research, clinical education, and practice are inseparable in modern medicine. The VCOM mission encourages the importance and integration of these components, all of which are critical to the development of a robust research program. Research is key to developing medicine for the future. Discoveries about ourselves and the fundamental components of life drive the practice of medicine. Research conducted at VCOM is a valuable part of the future of medicine, as more discoveries are translated into clinical practice.


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