VCOM 2017 Annual Report
John G. Rocovich Jr. JD, LLM Chairman CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE inspired by the shortage of physicians in our region
T he VCOM Board of Directors and the Carolinas and Auburn Campus Advisory Boards are inspired by a great need to lessen the shortage of physicians that affects the health of rural and medically underserved areas, especially in the Appalachian region of the United States. This shortage has motivated the Board to assure continuity of the VCOM mission and of the College’s ability to educate physicians who are driven to serve those most in need. The Board is committed to ensuring that our students have the privilege of attending one of the most innovative medical colleges in the country and gaining inspiration for their future careers through cutting-edge technology, facilities, and faculty experience. VCOM students are encouraged by the highest quality of medical education and resources, and are led to become successful, purpose-driven physicians. One of the goals of the Board is for VCOM to become a significant contributor of research in medicine. Through successful public-private partnerships with Virginia Tech, Auburn University, Spartanburg Regional Hospital, and the City of Spartanburg, South
Carolina, our research initiatives continue to grow and develop to improve healthcare and wellness in the regions surrounding each of our three campuses.
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