VCOM 2017 Annual Report
Student Publications
Student Publications Amoroso A, Thomas LA , Nagy-Agren SE. New- Onset Neurologic Symptoms in an Elderly Man With Osteomyelitis. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Feb 15; 64(4):525-6. PMID: 28160474. Anthony JM , Verma R. Sphingobacterium spiritivorum septicaemia associated with cellulitis in a patient with Parkinson's disease. BMJ Case Rep. 2016 May 9; 2016. pii: bcr2016215319. PMID: 27161206. Augustyniak RA, Ables AZ, Guilford P , Lujan HL, Cortright RN, DiCarlo SE. Intrinsic motivation: an overlooked component for student success. Adv Physiol Educ. 2016 Dec; 40(4):465-6. PMID: 27697962. Baigrie D , Tjiattas-Saleski LR. Pediatric Nasal Rash [clinical image]. Osteopathic Family Physician. 2016 Jan/Feb;8(1):51-3. Bailey ZC, Nilson E, Bates JA , Oyalowo A, Hockey KS, Sajja VS, Thorpe C, Rogers H , Dunn B, Frey AS , Billings MJ , Sholar CA, Hermundstad A, Kumar C, VandeVord PJ, Rzigalinski BA. Cerium oxide nanoparticles improve outcome after in vitro and in vivo mild traumatic brain injury. J. Neurotrauma 2016 Nov 2 [Epub ahead of print]. DOI: 10.1089/neu.2016.4644. PMID: 27733104. Bungarz W, Little L, Rohloff M, Thomas R , Bendyk H, and Ables AZ. The Relationship of Pediatric Obesity and Non-Pandemic Influenza. Osteopathic Family Physician. 2016; 8:12-14. DeMartino T , Ghoul RE, Wang L, Bena J, Hazen SL, Tracy R, Patel SR, Auckley D, Mehra R.Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Differentially Elevated in Objective Versus Habitual Subjective Reduced Sleep Duration in Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep. 2016 Jul 1; 39(7):1361-9. PMID: 27091532. Gorlitsky BR, Herion JT . Sticking to the script: A curious case of confusion in an ESRD patient [case report]. Hemodial Int. 2017 Jan 9 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28067468. Kennedy, K, S Meacham S, S Sukpraprut, S Kwakye, K Atkinson, B Bailey, D Chavis, B Thompson. Cancer mortality trends in medically unserved counties in Virginia. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 2016 116(6):370-375. doi:10.7556/jaoa.2016.077 Martingano D , Cannon MD, Williams S, Stoner A. An Osteopathic Approach to the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer. Osteopathic Family Physician Journal. 2016;8(1). Melin VE, Shanteau P, Melin TE, Dessify B, Nguyen C , Shea CS, Hrubec TC. Quaternary ammonium disinfectants cause subfertility in mice by targeting both male and female reproductive processes. Reproductive Toxicology. 2016 Jan;59:159-66. PMID: 26582257. Hornack C . What nurses with you knew. The Fast Track. 2016 Spring;14-15.
Alfonso G , Rovito MJ, Leone JE. Psychosocial indicators of injury concealment among young male athletes. Poster presented at: Inaugural Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Apr 1; Spartanburg, SC. Allawh TC , Brown BS. The clinical manifestation and genetic implication of Baraitser-Winter Syndrome Type-2: A case report. Poster presented at: 4th International Conference on Pediatrics. 2016 Mar 29-31; Atlanta, GA. Allawh TC , Brown BS. The clinical manifestation and genetic implication of Baraitser-Winter Syndrome Type-2: A case report. Poster presented at: 11th Annual Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Feb 26; Blacksburg, VA. Allen J, Bayuk C, Bowman D, Kadiri J, Rinek K, West S , Sutphin D, Meacham S, Meisha D, Hill B. Cross-sectional analysis of piped water and bathing frequency in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Poster presented at: 11th Annual Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Feb 26; Blacksburg, VA. Anderson J. Effectiveness of Heliox as adjunct therapy with high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) in children with respiratory distress Anderson J , Jackson A , Stoner A, Januchowski R, Myles D. Standardized patient modules with the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender patient in mind. Poster presented at: Inaugural Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Apr 1; Spartanburg, SC. Anderson JM , Jackson A, Stoner A, Myles D. Standardized Patient Modules in Medical School With the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Patient in Mind [abstract #2016-2371]. Presented at 59th Annual American Osteopathic Association Research Conference; OMED. 2016 Sep 17-20; Anaheim, CA. Anthony JM . Tactile hallucinations related to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use: Case report and review. Poster presented at: 11th Annual Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Feb 26; Blacksburg, VA. Aquila E , Sorrell M , Gause M , Henninger C , Stoner A, Sutphin D. Obstacles to Cervical Cancer Screening in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Presented at the 2016 ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting. 2016 May 14016; Washington DC. Aquila E , Sorrell M , Godwin M , Henninger C , Sutphin HD, Stoner A. Obstacles to cervical cancer screening in Tegucigalpa Honduras. Poster presented at: Inaugural Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Apr 1; Spartanburg, SC. Aquila E , Stoner A. Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer in Tegucigalpa Honduras. Presented at 2016 National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students. 2016 Jul 28-30; Kansas City, MO. Aquila E , Sutphin HD, Stoner A. Risk factors for cervical cancer in Tegucigalpa Honduras. Poster presented at: Inaugural Via Research Recognition Day. 2016 Apr 1; Spartanburg, SC.
Oberle M , Wachs T , Brisson PA. Garlic burn to the face. J Spec Oper Med. 2016 Winger; 16(4):80-1.
Schmidt S, Sears M , Crawford S , Cicci C, Diskin CJ. Membranous Glomerulopathy in Hypogammaglobulinemia. Am J Med Sci. 2017 Mar; 353(3):307-9. PMID: 28262220. Schwartz RH, O’Laughlen MC, Kim J . Survey to child/adolescent psychiatry and developmental/ behavioral pediatric training directors to expand psychiatric-mental health training to nurse practitioners. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2017 Mar 8 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28272781. Shebak SS, Pinkston J , Ali R. Rash Associated With Panic Attacks. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2016 Feb 11; 18(1). 10.4088/PCC. PMID: 27247834. Smith R, Januchowski R. Treatment Options for Psoriasis. Osteopathic Family Physician. 2016 May/June. 8(3): 42-9. Taber, T, D Meisha, S Meacham. Economic impact of fluctuating coal production in counties in Appalachian southwest Virginia. 2nd Environmental Concerns in Energy Production Conference, Sep 19-23, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, Society of Mining Engineers. Vasagar B, Cox J , Herion JT , Ivanoff E . World epidemiology of non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol. 2017 Mar; 63(1):5-15. PMID: 28054478. Williams Barnhardt E , Jacque M , Sharma TR. Brief Reversible Psychosis and Altered Mental Status in a Patient With Folate Deficiency: A Case Report. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2016 Jan 14; 18(1). 10.4088/PCC. PMID: 27247837. Wilmot E , Yotebieng M, Norris A, Ngabo F. Missed Opportunities in Neonatal Deaths in Rwanda: Applying the Three Delays Model in a Cross- Sectional Analysis of Neonatal Death. Matern Child Health J. 2017 Feb 18 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28214925. Wolff M, Sabzevari N , Gropper C, Hoffman C. A Case of Lichen Planus Pigmentosus with Facial Dyspigmentation Responsive to Combination Therapy with Chemical Peels and Topical Retinoids. K Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2016 Nov; 9(11):44-50. PMID: 28210390.
Student Presentations
Adamson T , Anstrom JA. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Anatomical and Clinical Considerations. Poster presented at: 12th Annual Via Research Recognition Day. 2017 Feb 24; Blacksburg, VA. Albrecht J, Brolinson PG, Perry L, Russell A . Ferritin and strength performance in Division I college athletes: A retrospective review. Poster to be presented at: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. 2016 Apr 20; Dallas, TX.
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