VCOM 2016 Annual Report

Recruiting to Meet Our Mission

Recruiting for Diversity V COM values and affirms that diversity contributes richness to the college and enhances the quality of education. VCOM recognizes the lack of medical care to minority populations and actively recruits minority students who are underrepresented in healthcare. The population of the United States is becoming increasingly diverse, and VCOM seeks a student body that will meet the needs of a diverse society. National Awards and Recognition VCOM recently received the Institutional National Role Model Award for the fifth consecutive year for excellence in minority access and mentorship in medical schools from Minority Access, Inc. The College is one of the few medical schools to receive such honors for outreach programs in the United States and abroad. Bill King, Vice President for Student Services, was also presented with an individual Minority Access National Role Model Award for his efforts to inspire others and increase the pool of scholars and professionals who will find cures for illnesses, solve technological problems or address social disparities in society.

VCOM celebrates our diverse student body through robust student life programs and student organizations.

Ethnic Diversity

Matriculated Classes of 2016-2019

Race/Ethnicity Unknown 1% Native Hawaiian/Paci c Islander .3% Black/African American 7% Hispanic of any race 7% Asian 15% American Indian/Alaskan Native 1% White 69%

16 % Average Underrepresented Minority Classes of 2007-2019


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