VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Affinity ULM Health Clinic 1140 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71203 Phone: 318-342-1651

24-hour Nurse Help Line: 318-807-6281

All students, OMS 1 – OMS 4, who have VCOM health insurance, have access to LiveHealth Online where they can access psychology, psychiatry, and general medical appointments via video appointment. There is no out-of pocket cost for students who are covered, and services are available to family members for a fee. Students who are eligible can schedule an appointment by registering at or by calling 1-888-548-3432 (24/7 line). Students can also download the Sydney Health app or LiveHealth app from the app store. All services are confidential. Health professionals providing health services to students, through a physician-patient relationship, must recuse him/herself from the academic assessment or promotion of the student receiving those services. While the faculty at VCOM abide by the rule, students should not engage healthcare providers who are involved in their academic assessment or promotion to ensure this does not unknowingly occur. VCOM OMS 3 and OMS 4 students may participate in rotations with healthcare providers that offer healthcare services to other VCOM students. In this case, OMS 3 and OMS 4 students may not participate in another student’s healthcare and may not view another student’s health record. In addition, if any student being treated identifies that an OMS 3 or OMS 4 student is present in the room, he or she should request the student not be involved in their care, informing the student and the physician providing the care. As the VCOM clinical training sites (physician or student) may not identify the patient as a VCOM student, it is an expectation that students seeking healthcare services in these sites identify themselves as a VCOM student. Medical Treatment of VCOM Students and Employees by VCOM Physician Faculty or Other VCOM Students The purpose of VCOM’s Policy on Medical Treatment of VCOM Students and Employees by VCOM Physician Faculty or Other VCOM Students is to establish guidelines that safeguard the well-being of students and employees by establishing clear guidelines for medical treatment and emergency response in the educational and workplace environments. On-Campus Treatment by VCOM Physician Faculty The campuses of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) are considered academic facilities and, as such, are not considered clinical facilities. VCOM physician faculty may not provide medical treatment for students or employees while on campus or during outreach activities and should refer individuals seeking treatment to a physician in a clinical practice. Physician faculty who provide medical treatment on campus do so at their own risk and are subject to disciplinary action. There are certain special settings when VCOM physician faculty may provide medical treatment for a student or employee while on campus: a. When physician faculty provides treatment as a part of the curriculum, such as when treatment is demonstrated in the physical diagnosis and osteopathic manipulation laboratories or the simulation laboratories.


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