VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Applicants who are ranked highly on the hold or wait list from the prior academic year may be offered early decision for the next academic year without resubmission of all materials. Transfer Applicants VCOM does not commonly accept transfer students. When a compelling reason exists, a student may be reviewed for transfer by the Ad-hoc Committee on Student Transfers. VCOM does not accept transfer students from international schools. To be eligible for consideration, the transfer applicant must complete VCOM’s Application for Transfer form, obtain a letter of good standing from the Registrar of the college from which they are transferring, submit a copy of the medical school transcript, and meet the following conditions: 1. provide a compelling letter addressed to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs notifying the intent and reasons for the transfer a minimum of 90 days in advance of the requested transfer date; 2. must be transferring from a COCA or LCME accredited institution; 3. have current passing grades in all subjects and a GPA of 3.4 or higher; 4. must have successfully passed COMLEX Level 1 if transferring from a COCA accredited osteopathic medical college at the end of the OMS 2 year; 5. if any COMLEX exam has been taken, must have successfully passed the COMLEX exam(s) on the first attempt; 6. must not be suspended, dismissed, or on probation; 7. must have a negative background check as to charges and convictions and a negative drug screen; 8. if withdrawn from another medical school/college, must be eligible for re-admission to the COCA or LCME accredited college they are transferring from; 9. may not transfer in the middle of an academic year; 10. must complete at a minimum, regardless of credits, the last two years of instruction at VCOM in order to be eligible to receive the DO degree; 11. must have equivalent course work to VCOM requirements; 12. must meet VCOM’s health requirements and technical standards; and 13. must be in overall good standing with no behavioral infractions with the institution from which they are transferring. Transfer Review and Transfer of Credit Process Once an applicant has submitted all required materials and meets all of the stated conditions, their application and transcripts will be reviewed by the Ad-hoc Committee on Student Transfers for consideration for transfer. The review will include the Campus Dean, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, the Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education, the Registrar, and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and if transferring from an LCME accredited college, the Chair of OMM will be included to determine ability to complete the OMM curriculum. This will determine the curricular equivalency, exact placement of the student in the curriculum, and ensure that the resources exist to allow the student to join VCOM’s program. If the review by the Ad-hoc Committee on Student Transfers determines the resources exist and the applicant is eligible to transfer, the Campus Dean will notify the Dean of the College from which the applicant is transferring to assure the appropriate plans have been made and that no unidentified negative grades or behavioral problems exist that prohibit the transfer. All course work will be evaluated prior to transferring and will be credited to the student only after careful review by the Ad-hoc Committee on Student Transfers. Each course will be evaluated as to course content, equivalency, and credit hours prior to credits being accepted. After evaluation, the committee will make recommendations, and the Campus Dean will make the final decision.


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