VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Official Transcripts Official transcripts sent to AACOMAS are provided to VCOM when an applicant applies. These transcript are accepted by VCOM if all coursework the applicant has taken at that institution is completed as of June 1 of the application year. VCOM will verify that a transcript has been received for every institution listed on the AACOMAS application, that at least one baccalaureate degree has been awarded, and that all other degrees reported on the AACOMAS application are documented. If there is a question about the authenticity of a transcript, an official transcript, sent directly to the VCOM campus from the institution in question, will be required. Any school the applicant is attending (or will attend) after June of the application year will require an official transcript be sent directly from that institution to the appropriate VCOM campus. In this case, the transcript sent to AACOMAS will not be accepted. In the event that VCOM does require a transcript directly from an institution, transcripts must be sent directly from the Registrar’s Office of the school(s) attended directly to the VCOM Registrar’s Office. Be sure to have the transcript addressed to the appropriate campus. Unofficial transcripts or transcripts hand carried by the applicant (even if in a sealed envelope) are not acceptable. Failure to submit official transcripts by the due date (or to obtain authorized approval of an extension) may result in the offer of admission to VCOM being rescinded and forfeiture of the tuition deposit. If required, transcripts should be sent to, and questions addressed to the appropriate campus: Auburn Campus Office of the Registrar

Carolinas Campus Office of the Registrar VCOM – Carolinas campus 350 Howard Street Spartanburg, SC 29303 Phone: 864 327-9809

VCOM –Auburn campus 910 South Donahue Drive Auburn, Alabama 36832 Phone: 334-442-4079 Louisiana Campus Office of the Registrar VCOM –Louisiana campus 4408 Bon Aire Drive Monroe, Louisiana 71203 Phone: 318-342-7152

Virginia Campus Office of the Registrar VCOM-Virginia campus 2265 Kraft Drive

Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: 540 231-9387

VCOM Secondary Application Applicants who meet all admissions requirements will be invited to submit the secondary application and supporting documents. The invitation to submit a secondary application is sent via email with instructions for filling it out electronically. Applicants who are selected to submit a Secondary Application will be required to submit only one Secondary Application fee, regardless of the number of campuses they designated on the AACOMAS application. The Secondary Application process consists of the VCOM Secondary Application, a non-refundable $25 processing fee, waiver/non-waiver statement, and a required letter of recommendation. VCOM requires a letter of recommendation from a pre-medical/pre-health committee or science faculty member who is the designated pre-medical advisor and/or who has taught the student and who is familiar with the academic


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