VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
Formal Academic Grievances A concern that is academic in nature that was not resolved through the informal academic grievance procedures as described above may be addressed through the filing of a formal grievance. Following unsatisfactory resolution of an informal grievance, the Class President or individual student may file a formal grievance within seven calendar days of the failed resolution. The formal grievance must be submitted in writing to the Campus Dean. The Campus Dean will meet with the appropriate parties (students, Course Directors, and Associate Deans) to seek a resolution that is in the best interest of the individual student, student body, and the College as a whole. The Campus Dean may resolve the issue or may appoint a Three-person panel to assist in finding an appropriate resolution. The Campus Dean will respond, in writing, within 14 calendar days of receiving the complaint. If the formal grievance concern was brought by the Class President, he or she will be notified, in writing, of the resolution, as will any other pertinent parties involved. If the formal grievance concern was brought by an individual student, the student will be notified, in writing, of the resolution, as will any other pertinent parties involved. The Class President or individual student has the right to appeal the decision of the Campus Dean, in writing, to the Provost within seven calendar days of the failed resolution should they feel that the resolution does not following college policy or was made with bias. In this case, the Provost will review the grievance and previous recommended resolutions and make a decision regarding final resolution of the matter. The Provost will generally respond, in writing, within 14 calendar days of receiving the appeal request. However, the decision may take 30 days or longer depending upon the investigation of the case. If the Class President brought the formal grievance concern, he or she will be notified, in writing, of the resolution, as will any other pertinent parties involved. If an individual student brought the formal grievance concern, the student will be notified, in writing, of the resolution, as will any other pertinent parties involved. The decision of the Provost is final. Non-Academic Concerns Students may seek resolution for concerns and grievances related to non-academic issues, which may include concerns over behavioral issues, financial issues, or other non-academic issues with the Course Director, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, SGA President, SGA Officers, Associate Deans, the Campus Dean, and/or the Provost. Course assessment policies and test question challenges are not addressed through the student grievance process. Informal Non-Academic Concerns An individual concern that is non-academic in nature should first be addressed jointly through the SGA President and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, who will attempt to resolve the issue in a manner that follows college policy and is in the best interest of all students and the college. If a resolution is reached and the student is satisfied with the resolution the matter is closed. If the student is unsatisfied with the resolution or a resolution cannot be reached, the student may, within seven calendar days of the failed proposed resolution, file a formal grievance, in writing, to the Campus Dean (see procedures below for filing a formal academic grievance). A concern that is non-academic in nature that the student believes concerns the student body as a whole should be addressed jointly with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the SGA President, who will meet with the SGA Officers to discuss the concern. If the SGA President and SGA Officers believe it is appropriate to bring the complaint forward as an informal grievance on behalf of the student body, they will meet with the appropriate Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Student Affairs to seek a resolution the follows college policy and is in the If the grievance is financial in nature, the student should first discuss the issue with the Director for Financial Aid. If the grievance is with Student Affairs, the complaint should be reported to the Director of Human Resources.
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