VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
Appointment of VCOM Student Ambassadors and Other Admissions Volunteer Opportunities VCOM Student Ambassadors are appointed annually by the Campus Dean in collaboration with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Interested students may submit a letter of intent and students are also nominated by faculty, staff or other students. Ambassadors are asked to complete a minimum of three events annually, including at least one off-campus visit to pre-med clubs at colleges and universities (preferably one at their alma mater) and at least two other events such as volunteering for on-campus open houses or the orientation or graduation program. Ambassadors are appointed in the fall and appointments are initially made for one year. The needs of the overall VCOM recruitment program are reviewed annually and some Ambassador appointments may be renewed, and some students may be rotated off so that others can participate. Ambassadors who fulfill all three events for two or more years are recognized at VCOM’s Graduation Awards Banquet and in the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE or Dean’s Letter). Students who are not official Ambassadors are encouraged to volunteer to participate in admissions events. Contact the VCOM Office of Admissions for ways to get involved. Student Appointment to College Committees Students are appointed to college committees by the Campus Dean or Provost in collaboration with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Students serving on college committees must be in good academic standing, represent the interests of the entire class on the committee, and must report on those committees to the class. Students serving on the committee should call for input for the committee from the class prior to the scheduled meeting, must attend all scheduled meetings, and must report back to the class electronically on the outcomes. Students serve on the Facilities Committee, the Library Committee, the Campus Pre-Clinical and Clinical Curriculum Committees, the Via Wellness Committee, and the IT Committee. Students are also chosen for the Alumni Board as ex-officio members. Student Officer Positions The Student Government Association (SGA) is a student-run organization that serves as the governance body for medical students. SGA plans activities that help to involve and excite the students, handles any issues that may arise with the student body to ensure that the students obtain the best school experience possible, and works closely with administrators, professors and clinicians to provide an environment for students to promote learning and discovery while emphasizing community, collaboration, and a spirit of unity and enjoyment for the people that we interact with on a daily basis. SGA is excited to be able to do great things for fellow classmates and join with administration to make medical education a great experience. The Class Officers are elected each year by the members of their class. Class Officers represent the interest of their class to administration, faculty, and Student Affairs. Class Officers also represent individual members of their class to administration, when requested, through Promotion Board and PESB. To hold an officer position with a VCOM student organization or committee, students are required to be in good academic and behavioral standing with no failing course grades and a minimum 3.4 GPA. Student officers of the Student Government Association (SGA), Class, and Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) are required to be in good academic and behavioral standing with no failing course grades and a minimum 3.5 GPA due to the increased time commitment that these positions require. As all officer positions require a substantial dedication of time to the duties of an officer, a minimum GPA is required. Individual student organizations may have an academic requirement above these minimum limits. Students who are on academic probation, who are not making good academic progress, or who do not pass COMLEX will be required to resign in order to dedicate full efforts to their academic program. Students who are found guilty of an honor code violation are not eligible to hold an officer
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