VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
recognize that I will be required to eat group meals and will be required to eat the same foods as all other students or trip participants. I will notify the trip supervisors of any dietary requirements and recognize that these may or may not be possible and I may need to bring supplements. I recognize I may be required to walk long distances, carry up to 50 pounds frequently, and will work long hours (often 10-to-12-hour days). 8. I recognize VCOM will make every effort to care for my health and safety, however, conditions in an international underserved area are not always pleasant. I agree to be flexible in adapting to the trip for the overall well-being of patients and other students. I am therefore willing to accept a reasonable level of hardship, I will avoid bickering and complaining about the conditions or others on the trip and agree to put forth my best efforts to get along with others on the trip, and I will be a positive participant in the trip. I understand that living up to these expectations is essential for everyone to have a good experience. I also understand if my behavior should become such that I am negatively impacting the group that the trip leader has the right to send me back to the U.S. I will remember the outreach trip is not about me, but those we are here to serve. 9. I understand I am expected to keep my living area reasonably clean out of respect for those who share the area and to leave it in good order upon departure. 10. I agree I must be on time for all departures to and from clinics each day and for all other outreach trip organized events. 11. I agree to accept and take responsibility for assignments on the trip and to act responsibly at all times. 12. I agree I must stay with the group from US departure to destination airport, and transportation to the sites. I understand that I am not permitted to rent a car due to flight delays unless there is approval by the Vice Provost for International Outreach. 13. I understand that any actions found to be unprofessional or unethical on the trip may be reported by the Director and be a cause for a hearing by the Honor Code Council or Professional and Ethical Standards Board. 14. I understand that I will be subject to adverse conditions and increased risks and agree to hold VCOM harmless from all liability for any injury or illness that may incur and for any additional expense that may occur from my actions or that VCOM does not have control over. 15. I understand that if I am not following the above policies and rules, I may be sent home from the trip immediately and at my own expense. 16. I understand there are increased risks for health and safety on any outreach trip. I agree to hold VCOM harmless for any unforeseen injury, illness, or expense incurred on the mission trip. Any student not adhering to the aforementioned rules will be removed from daily activities and may be required to return to the U.S. immediately at their own expense. Health Guidelines for International Outreach/Medical/Clinical Experiences Traveling in developing countries presents risk of illness, most commonly severe diarrhea contracted by drinking local water or eating food where there are issues with sanitation during food preparation and handling. The tap water in Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, India and other regions cannot be considered safe. Random selection of restaurants and eating areas should be avoided in favor of sites known through prior trips and with established quality standards. Students should be aware that you may be affected by water or food that local residents consume without any sign of health problems. Students must also be aware that while caring for patients, bacteria may easily be transmitted from hand to mouth. One must also consider the risks of vector-borne diseases and take appropriate precautions with insect repellant to be worn at all times. International rotations and trips are optional. Students with a medical illness that would be placed at risk by international rotation or outreach trip should not participate. This includes students with severe
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