VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
One-month international medical outreach experience in one of VCOM’s sustainable clinics in Honduras, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic. Students must be approved to participate based on being in good academic and behavioral standing and upon the health and safety of the student’s participation. Other optional global health student electives include: • VCOM Medical Spanish elective workshops or course (preferably semester prior to mission trip) • Individual or group public health or community health research • Video conferenced Global Seminar with medical schools in partner countries Spring semester OMS I or II • Project-based activities to prepare or support a medical outreach trip • Other activities tailored to meet individual student interests may be available Please understand there is an application and approval process for participation in international activities. Approval is subject to academic progress, good academic standing, review of any outstanding behavioral issues, and availability. When applying, students must be flexible regarding the dates of their mission trip, to allow for the best chance to participate as dates for participation are based on availability of locations. In applying for the one-month rotation, students must also be flexible regarding the dates of the rotations to allow for availability. Students wishing to participate in a VCOM sponsored international outreach/medical/clinical experience must be approved and must submit the following documentation to the Vice Provost for International Outreach through the International department on campus or by directly emailing the required documents to the Vice Provost: VCOM International and Appalachian Outreach is nationally and internationally recognized. It provides a wonderful range of elective opportunities from which we hope students select an experience that is “right” for them. The college is committed to providing our students with very high-quality experiences. VCOM, in return, asks for student’s cooperation in the best interest of all. The VCOM website provides timely information about the on-going program and posts recently completed activities. We will use email for timely notification of approaching opportunities and deadlines. In addition, students may contact the International and Appalachian Outreach office staff at any time to explore individual interests and options. Non-VCOM International Outreach/Medical/Clinical Experiences VCOM recognizes that students may wish to continue to participate in outreach experiences with organizations and churches in which they have had prior experience. Therefore, students planning a non-VCOM international outreach/medical/clinical experience must obtain prior approval. To do so, students must submit the following documentation to the Vice Provost for International Outreach through the International department on campus or by directly emailing the required documents to the Vice Provost: • VCOM Sponsored International Outreach Trip Participant Liability Waiver • VCOM Sponsored International Outreach Trip Student Code of Conduct • VCOM Immunization Guidelines and Illness Risk Verification Form • International Emergency Contact and Information Form • Copy of passport that fully shows the ID and signature page • Copy of driver’s license
• Non-VCOM Sponsored International Outreach Trip Participant Liability Waiver • Non-VCOM Sponsored International Outreach Trip Student Code of Conduct • VCOM Immunization Guidelines and Illness Risk Verification Form • International Emergency Contact and Information Form
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