VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

The IAT shall convene as soon as possible to conduct the assessment. As the assessment is an academic proceeding, and not a legal proceeding, legal counsel is no allowed in the assessment. If a student believes a legal proceeding is warranted, this must be done through an outside court system. The IAT may adjourn and reconvene as necessary to appropriately investigate and receive evidence, including, but not limited to, testimonial and medical evidence. Within seven (7) working days of the conclusion of the assessment, the Chair of the IAT shall provide a written report and recommendations to the Campus Dean. A copy shall be provided to the student. The Campus Dean shall issue his/her decision within seven (7) working days and will notify the student, in writing of the decision. Appeal Process Upon receiving written notification from the Campus Dean, the student, within seven (7) calendar days, may appeal the Campus Dean’s decision to the Provost. The Provost has discretionary power to affirm, modify, or remand the decision. The appeal must be in writing and be based upon new, relevant, and material information that was not available to the IAT or the Campus Dean. After receiving the written appeal, the Provost will consider the request and will notify the student, in writing, of his/her decision generally within 14 calendar days of receiving the written appeal. However, the decision may take 30 days or longer depending upon the investigation of the case. The Provost reserves the right to obtain outside legal opinions on the review and the decisions that have been made, and to delay decision until such time that Counsel has responded. The decision of the Provost is final.


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