VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

o Temporary Medical Withdrawal Students requesting a Temporary Medical Withdrawal from the Campus Dean must provide the appropriate medical documentation, including but not limited to, a letter from the treating physician clearly stating the nature of the medical condition and reason(s) it requires a temporary or permanent withdrawal. The Campus Dean may require additional information from the treating physician to determine the appropriate timeframe for return for students requesting a Temporary Medical Withdrawal. The Campus Dean reserves the right to require a second opinion to confirm that a medical condition exists that requires a Temporary Medical Withdrawal, or if the Campus Dean believes a second opinion is warranted for any other reason. o Temporary Military Withdrawal Students requesting a Temporary Military Withdrawal from the Campus Dean must provide the appropriate documentation that provides evidence of being called to active military service for the request. The Campus Dean may require additional information prior to or throughout the withdrawal for those requesting a Temporary Military Withdrawal. o Temporary Personal Withdrawal Students requesting a Temporary Personal Withdrawal from the Campus Dean must provide the appropriate documentation that describes the need for the withdrawal and provides evidence of the reason for the request. The Campus Dean may require additional information prior to or throughout the withdrawal for those requesting a Temporary Personal Withdrawal. Students must meet with the Campus Dean and Associate Dean for Student Affairs to discuss the reasons for requesting a temporary withdrawal, goals for the temporary withdrawal, and the impact the temporary withdrawal may have on progress towards the degree. The Campus Dean may approve the temporary withdrawal with conditions or deny the temporary withdrawal. If the Campus Dean decides that a temporary withdrawal is appropriate, the decision and the conditions for re-enrollment and resumption of studies will be communicated in writing by the Campus Dean to the student. Conditions may include such things as the successful completion of coursework (new or incomplete), involvement in community service or an internship, the submission of evidence that the factors that necessitated the leave have been addressed, or other requirements deemed appropriate by the Campus Dean. Students who do not comply with the requirements of the temporary withdrawal are subject to dismissal by the Campus Dean. Once a temporary withdrawal has been approved by the Campus Dean, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will file a Change of Status Form, which is signed by the student, noting the type of temporary withdrawal and the length of time the student anticipates being away with the understanding that the timetable could change. To be deemed withdrawn in good standing, the student must be in good academic standing, complete all paperwork, return all VCOM issued items, and follow all VCOM procedures and any conditions set forth by the Campus Dean during the withdrawal process. In the OMS 3 and 4 years, a Temporary Withdrawal requires an Altered Degree Plan of Study (ADPOS), which outlines the altered curricular program timeline for the student. The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs will design the ADPOS for OMS 3 students and the Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME will design the ADPOS for OMS 4


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