VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

manner by the student. The Campus Dean will require information from the treating physician and any additional therapists attesting to the:  readiness of the student to successfully return to a medical education setting and to engage in a rigorous course of study without restriction;  ability of the student to meet the Technical Standards for Admission and Continued Enrollment without restriction;  ability of the student to engage safely and effectively in patient care; and  continued medical or psychological care and accommodations, if any, the student would need upon return. The student may be asked to sign a medical records release, and to authorize direct communication between the Campus Dean (or designee) and the student’s medical provider(s) regarding the circumstances and the student’s medical information, and to authorize the Campus Dean to share the substance of those communications with others, as appropriate. If a student declines to authorize communications between and among the student’s provider and the Campus Dean (or their designee) and/or declines to authorize the release of germane medical records, then the Campus Dean will make the decision regarding reenrollment after considering all of the available information and will do so without the benefit of information that may be directly germane to the decision. The Campus Dean may require a second opinion, additional evaluations, and/or additional information as deemed appropriate. o Military Leave of Absence Provide verification of military service. The Campus Dean may require additional information as deemed appropriate. o Personal Leave of Absence Proof of the resolution or successful management of the conditions that precipitated the LOA. The Campus Dean may require additional information as deemed appropriate. The Re-enrollment Process from an Approved Leave of Absence The Campus Dean will review the student’s request to re-enroll from an approved LOA. If approved by the Campus Dean to re-enroll and return to the academic program, the Promotion Board will make a recommendation to the Campus Dean regarding the appropriate placement within the curriculum and any other requirements. Appropriate placement within the curriculum may include the following: • If an OMS 1 or OMS 2 student has not missed a significant portion of the curriculum due to an approved LOA and the Promotion Board believes that the student is able to complete the coursework he or she has missed during the “block breaks” following current or subsequent blocks, the Promotion Board may recommend to the Campus Dean that the student continue with the current class with the requirement to complete the missed work. • If an OMS 1 or OMS 2 student misses a significant portion of the curriculum due to an approved LOA and the Promotion Board believes that the student will be unable to complete the coursework he or she has missed during the “block breaks” or believes that the student needs to refresh knowledge or skills prior to moving on to new coursework, the Promotion Board may recommend to the Campus Dean that the student be required to join the next academic class year to repeat, audit, or complete additional curriculum. The Promotion Board may recommend that the student audit the entire academic year or part of the academic year. • If an OMS 3 or OMS 4 student has not missed a significant portion of the curriculum due to an approved LOA and the Promotion Board believes that the student is able to continue in the academic program where


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