VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

A request for a Medical Leave of Absence that extends beyond 180-days within an academic year or 12-month period, will result in a temporary or permanent withdrawal if approved by the Campus Dean. Should the original request be planned for more than 180 days, the Campus Dean will consider it for a Medical Temporary or Permanent Withdrawal instead of a Medical Leave of Absence. Military Leave of Absence A Military Leave of Absence is a voluntary or involuntary leave requested by a student to meet military service requirements that does not exceed 180-days. Readmission is guaranteed pending proof of compliance with the minimal technical standards and the Honor Code of Conduct. The student will not be charged any additional tuition from their original obligation, regardless of having to complete additional coursework or repeat coursework to refresh knowledge and/or skills. A request for a Military Leave of Absence that extends beyond 180-days within an academic year or 12-month period, will result in a temporary or permanent withdrawal if approved by the Campus Dean. Should the original request be planned for more than 180-days, the Campus Dean will consider it for a Military Temporary or Permanent Withdrawal instead of a Military Leave of Absence. Personal Leave of Absence In unusual circumstances, a student may need to interrupt their study for personal reasons. A Personal Leave of Absence is a voluntary leave that is requested by a student and is granted on a case-by-case basis for compelling reasons such as the birth or adoption of a child, death of a spouse or child, or other reasons as approved by the Campus Dean that does not exceed 180-days. A request for a Personal Leave of Absence that extends beyond 180-days within an academic year or 12-month period, will result in a temporary or permanent withdrawal if approved by the Campus Dean. Should the original request be planned for more than 180-days, the Campus Dean will consider it for a Personal Temporary or Permanent Withdrawal instead of a Personal Leave of Absence. Requesting a Leave of Absence A student requesting an LOA must apply as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances for an LOA unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. The student must request the LOA, in writing, from the Campus Dean for approval. Because every student’s situation is different, the Campus Dean evaluates each application on a case-by-case basis. The student's academic status is subject to review at the time of the leave and upon the student's return. The Campus Dean has the sole authority to grant or deny the LOA. • A short (2-4 page) explanation of why the LOA is being requested, goals for the leave, and the anticipated requested date of return to the academic program. • Required additional documentation: o Administrative Leave of Absence As an Administrative Leave of Absence is a school-mandated leave issued by the Campus Dean; therefore, students being placed on an Administrative Leave of Absence do not need to request the LOA from the Campus Dean. Students requesting an LOA must submit a written request to the Campus Dean. The request must include:


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