VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
and professional learning environment for students. The College is also committed to the development of the appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes for safe and professional patient care including history taking, the osteopathic medical examination including palpation, and osteopathic manual medicine and medical treatment (OMM or OMT). The Osteopathic Examination and Osteopathic Manipulation The content of VCOM’s OMM curriculum has been developed based on guidance provided by the Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles (ECOP) of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM). During years one and two, students are enrolled in eight blocks over 4 semesters. In each block there is OMM instruction, which includes both lecture and hands-on clinical skills learning in the OMM lab. The course includes the foundational aspects of the osteopathic structural examination, palpatory diagnosis, and the application of various osteopathic treatment modalities. These core requirements are also required to learn the appropriate examination and treatment techniques required to advance to the clinical years. Osteopathic manipulative medicine skills are also learned in the clinical setting when rotating with osteopathic physicians and through OMM workshop instruction. The OPP/OMM lectures provided prior to each laboratory describe the purpose and conduct of the osteopathic examination for the system and the application for osteopathic treatment for various conditions that impact the system. The information presented in the lectures that precede the laboratory, where the osteopathic examination occurs, describes the possible physical findings and the appropriate treatment techniques for conditions in each system. Students should always complete the lecture prior to the laboratory. In the laboratory, learning the examination and techniques require palpation (touching) by other students and osteopathic manipulation. This is done through peer-to-peer learning under the supervision of faculty. The osteopathic procedures taught in the OMM laboratory are built upon the assurance that every student learns the minimum standard curriculum endorsed by Executive Council on Osteopathic Practices. Additional levels of skill in the musculoskeletal osteopathic palpatory examination and treatment are also included in the VCOM curriculum and are those provided by primary care physicians who are skilled in ONMM. Students should be aware that the curriculum involves both the osteopathic palpatory examination and osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMM or OMT). The Requirement of Touching and Examination Using Peer-to-Peer Learning Osteopathic examination and treatment requires touching, which is known as palpation. All VCOM osteopathic medical students are expected to become comfortable and skilled in their ability to inspect, auscultate, percuss, and palpate a variety of body regions in both male and female subjects. These are core requirements and are included in the Technical Standards. Such palpation should always be done in a respectful and professional manner, so that both the patient and physician are comfortable with the exam. Participation in the primary care and OMM laboratory on campus requires hands-on osteopathic physical examinations, the ability to make a diagnosis based upon the physical examination, and the ability to apply and practice osteopathic manipulative medicine treatment (also known as OMM or OMT). All VCOM applicants and students are hereby informed of the basic requirement to touch other persons (male and female) and to be touched as a part of the technical standards. In addition, the student must participate in and pass the required primary care and osteopathic manipulative medicine curriculum and all OMM requirements to become a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO).
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