VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

o Students are limited by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) and VCOM to a total of four attempts on COMLEX Level 1. As successful passage of COMLEX Level 1 is a requirement for graduation, those students who do not pass within four attempts will be dismissed by the Campus Dean.

COMLEX Level 2 CE VCOM students are required to pass the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners’ (NBOME) COMLEX Level 2 CE exam as part of their graduation requirements. A passing score on COMLEX Level 1 is a prerequisite for taking COMLEX Level 2 CE. Students are approved to sit for COMLEX Level 2 CE after successfully passing all requirements of the OMS 3 year, which includes sitting for COMSAE Phase 2. Each year students are informed of the timeframe in which they are approved to sit for COMLEX Level 2 CE. Students are released to schedule COMLEX Level 2 CE by the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and CIFSS. Students are recommended to schedule COMLEX Level 2 CE from mid-June to late-July following the OMS 3 year. Students should schedule their exam as soon as released to secure a testing date and location within the approved testing window. If a student schedules the exam outside of the approved testing window, the student’s test date may be rescinded by the Campus Dean. Students who are following an Altered Degree Plan of Study are required to meet with the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, the Associate Dean for GME, and CIFSS to determine the approved date of their COMLEX Level 2 CE exam. Residency Directors request the results of a student’s COMLEX Level 2 CE exam prior to the residency match and may also request the results prior to scheduling an interview; therefore, VCOM has set the following timelines: • Students are strongly recommended to sit for COMLEX Level 2 CE prior to August 1 st of the OMS 4 year. • Students are required to sit for COMLEX Level 2 CE prior to October 1st of the OMS 4 year or be placed on a temporary administrative withdrawal, with a timeline to sit for and pass COMLEX Level 2 CE (typically not to exceed 60 days to sit). Failure to sit for COMLEX Level 2 CE within the designated timeline may result in dismissal by the Campus Dean. The student should be aware that he or she is not eligible for financial aid while temporarily withdrawn. Upon sitting for COMLEX Level 2 CE, the student will be re-enrolled and allowed to return to the curriculum. Students on ADPOS may have a different deadline to sit for COMLEX Level 2 CE. • Students must receive a passing score on COMLEX Level 2 CE by April 1 of their OMS 4 year (as well as meeting all other requirements) to be listed in the graduation program. • Students must have a passing score on COMLEX Level 2 CE by the day prior to the graduation ceremony to be allowed to walk in the graduation ceremony. o Students who do not receive a passing score by this date but who receive a passing score prior to the following year’s graduation ceremony will be allowed to walk in that graduation ceremony. Both NBOME and VCOM allow students four attempts to pass COMLEX Level 2 CE. Any student failing COMLEX Level 2 CE on the 4th attempt will be dismissed by the Campus Dean. It is important for the student to be aware that many states limit the number of attempts a student may take to pass the exam and failure to fall within their guideline on number of failures allowed, will result in the student being denied licensure in that state. VCOM has also set the following timelines to meet graduation requirements:


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