VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

• The Provost’s decision is final.

While the student is awaiting the Promotion Board’s recommendation, Campus Dean’s decision, or Provost’s decision, the student must attend scheduled class(s)/rotation(s) and must take exams, including remediation exams. • Exam/course grades will be released to the student during this time, including students who are in the appeal process, so that they can monitor their progress and prepare appropriately for subsequent exams; however, grades will not be recorded unless the student is granted the ability to continue in the academic program and may not be used for consideration in the current appeal. • Numeric grades of remediation exams will not be released to the student, but the student will be notified whether they pass or fail; this includes students who are in the appeal process. In addition, remediation exams are not released or reviewed, and students do not have the ability to challenge questions.


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