VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
Students on Altered Degree Plan of Study should be aware that they must be on track to complete all requirements to graduate prior to July 1st in order to be allowed to enter ERAS and the Match, according to the rules of the residency match. Failure to Make Academic Progress While on an Altered Degree Plan Students who do not comply with the Altered Degree Plan of Study or who are not making academic progress while on an ADPOS will be brought before Promotion Board and are at high risk for dismissal. Students who do not comply with the ADPOS may be suspended at any time by the Campus Dean for failure to follow the plan. If a student has difficulty in following the ADPOS, they are required to meet with the Campus Dean to report this prior to failing to follow the plan. It is the responsibility of the Promotion Board to assess the academic progress of students toward the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree and make recommendations to the Campus Dean regarding students’ academic progress. The Promotion Board is convened at the end of each block/rotation after all grades have been determined by the Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, and/or the Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME, to review students deemed to be having difficulty making academic progress. The Promotion Board also serves as the faculty appointed body who approves students who are eligible for graduation. The Campus Dean or the appropriate Associate Dean for the academic year may also call a meeting of the Promotion Board in cases where the academic progress of a student is affected by a leave of absence, temporary withdrawal, suspension, or other similar factors. Reasons to Call a Promotion Board for OMS1 and OMS 2 Students The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education will refer to the Promotion Board any student who has: • F Course Grades: o Received an F grade for the overall course o Failed to pass an approved remediation for a course resulting in an F grade o Failed any component of an academic year that is required for promotion to the next academic year • Repeated F grades of the same or different required components of a course or courses within an academic year or while on academic probation, regardless of successful remediation of the component from a previous block o Examples include failure of any of the following: anatomy lecture, anatomy practical, PPC/OMM lecture, PPC/OMM practical, simulation) (i.e. fails the Block 3 anatomy practical and the Block 4 anatomy practical or fails the Block 3 PPC/OMM lecture component and the Block 4 anatomy practical component) • A GPA of 2.79 or less • Demonstrated inability to make academic progress while on Academic Probation • Been on a leave of absence, temporary withdrawal, or suspension and has been granted the ability to re enroll by the Campus Dean to determine appropriate placement in the curriculum • Failed to meet the requirements set forth in previous Promotion Board decisions by the Dean and/or Provost • Other referrals by the Campus Dean or the Associate Dean Promotion Board
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