VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
Auburn Campus
Virginia Campus
Kathy Friedenreich, MEd Office: 144 334-442-4061
Kenna Colley, EdD Office: 241 540-231-3725
Louisiana Campus
Carolinas Campus
Jana Carlson, EdD Office: 210 318-342-7179
Kylee Ousley, MEd Office: 124 864-327-9996
Students requesting accommodations for a disability will be required to submit appropriate supporting documentation and may be required to undergo additional evaluation prior to VCOM considering their request. Obtaining and providing proper documentation is the student’s responsibility and all evaluations will be at the student’s expense. Students who are seeking accommodation must submit documentation showing evidence of the disability, the degree to which the student’s activities are affected (functional limitation), and the need for the specific accommodation requested. The purpose of the documentation is to determine eligibility for academic accommodation(s) and the type of accommodation(s) VCOM can reasonably provide. A student requesting accommodations must submit the following: 1. Section 504 Request for Eligibility Form – This form is completed in full by the student and can be obtained from the Director for Student and Institutional Academic Success, who also serves as the Section 504 Campus Coordinator for Students. 2. Documentation of the Disability, Functional Limitation, and Recommended Accommodations - Because disabilities change over time, medical, psychiatric, or educational testing must be no more than three years old. Also, because the provision of reasonable accommodations is based upon an assessment of the disability on current medical school academic programs, recent documentation and appropriate evaluations are required. Obtaining proper documentation is the student’s responsibility and all evaluations will be at the student’s expense. A written note on a prescription pad or doctor’s notes are not considered adequate evaluation or documentation of a disability and do not substantiate a request for accommodations. • The diagnosis must be made by a specialist with appropriate professional credentials for the area of the disability and with experience in that disability. • Documentation must state clearly state the physical or intellectual disorder as diagnosed with reference to the current edition of The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) and/or Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). • Documentation must describe the comprehensive testing and techniques used to arrive at the diagnosis. Specific testing requirements depend on the student’s disability and need for accommodations. Students with learning disorders, ADHD, and many other impairments must include a full psychoeducational assessment that includes intelligence and achievement testing, in addition to specialized tests tailored to their area of disability. Students with physical or medical disorders will be asked to provide documentation from a recent medical evaluation.
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