VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
• (MED 8147) Comprehensive Review Course II: 4 credit hours The Comprehensive Review Course II is the cumulative course for the OMS 3 year. The course is designed to ensure that students have attained the fundamental osteopathic clinical skills needed to be promoted to the OMS 4 year. The course includes the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Performance Exam and the COMSAE Phase 2 exam, both of which serve as summative exams for the OMS 3 year. The course assesses the student’s ability to integrate the foundational biomedical sciences with other areas of medical knowledge relevant to solving clinical problems and promoting and maintaining health during the provision of osteopathic medical care to patients. • (MED 8190) Medical or Surgical Selective: 4 credit hours This rotation serves to provide students, who are interested in a specialty outside of the OMS 3 core required rotations, with a four-week timeframe to potentially complete a rotation experience in that field prior to starting the fourth year. This rotation may be a medical or surgical selective in one of the disciplines listed below. In addition, the selective may consist of military officer training or a military rotation. This rotation must be completed at any designated VCOM core site across any of our campus locations as approved by the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. Students must speak to their AD as to whether VCOM housing exists or whether the student needs to secure their own housing. Students may choose from the following options: o Medical Selectives: Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Neurology, ONMM, Pathology, Pediatrics, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, Radiology, VCOM International Rotation o Surgical Selectives: Anesthesiology, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Urology • (MED 8700) Research and Scholarly Activity: 4 credit hours During residency training and in clinical practice beyond, all physicians will be required to frequently search out, review and critically appraise a variety of clinical topics in the ever-growing body of medical literature. This scholarly activity provides students the opportunity to further develop skills in reviewing evidence based medicine, critical thinking, and writing skills, all while working in collaboration with VCOM clinical faculty members. The work must not have been previously published or presented. The student is expected to spend not less than 200 hours on this paper. The paper will receive a letter grade. The grade the student receives on their research paper will also be the grade the student receives for the Research and Scholarly Activity credit hours. Electives • (MED 8251/8251A/8251B) National Board Preparation: 16/17/20 credit hours The National Board Preparation Course is designed to aid students in preparing for their COMLEX Level 2 CE examination. This course is assigned for students who have not passed COMSAE Phase 2 or COMLEX Level 2 CE and requires an Altered Degree Plan of Study, as approved by the Associate Dean, Provost, and Campus Dean. During the course, students will follow a study plan individualized for their unique board preparation needs. The study plan will consist of an approved external immersion program.
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