VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #S019

5. PROMOTION BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS The Promotion Board will deliberate based on the information presented to them. Promotion Board recommendations are made by examining the student’s comprehensive academic performance through examination of the student’s academic record, including GPA. Each block, each semester, and each academic year, the student is expected to meet several milestones. These milestones provide a collective picture of whether the student is making academic progress for promotion to the next block, next semester, and next academic year. Therefore, it is the review of the student’s collective academic progress that is considered, as well as a review of the specific course/rotation failed when the student is brought before the Promotion Board. If during the course of a Promotion Board meeting, behavioral infractions are discovered, the Promotion Board will not make recommendations regarding those infractions but may refer the student to the Honor Code Council or Professional and Ethical Standards Board (PESB). Following a discussion of the options available to the Board, as outlined by this policy, the Board should attempt to reach consensus as to recommendations to the Campus Dean. Once consensus appears to have been met, a member of the Board should make a motion on the apparent consensus recommendations and the Associate Dean will seek a second on the motion. A recommendation of the Promotion Board, Dean, or Provost for a student to repeat an academic year should only be made if there is strong evidence to suggest that the student will be academically successful if allowed to repeat the year. 5.1 Recommendations by the Promotion Board for OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students Who Have Been Referred for F Course Grade(s) A. If the student is not on Academic Probation and has not had other appearances before the Promotion Board and this is the student’s first F course grade, the Promotion Board may recommend to the Campus Dean that the student be required to successfully remediate the F course grade within one attempt and place the student on academic probation for no less than 1 calendar year. B. Regardless of whether the student is on Academic Probation or not, if the student has multiple F course grades or a combination of F course grades and F grades of required components of a course within the same block or has had previous appearances before the Promotion Board, the Promotion Board may recommend to the Campus Dean any of the following (students with more than one F course grade in a block, regardless of whether this is their first appearance before the Promotion Board, are generally recommend to repeat the academic year or are recommended for dismissal; additionally, students who have been brought before the Promotion Board more than once for F course grades are generally recommend to repeat the academic year or are recommended for dismissal): • Require the student to successfully remediate the F course grades and F grades of required components within one attempt and to continue academic probation for no less than 1 calendar year; or

VCOM Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures

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