VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #S019
• Repeated F grades of the same or different required components of a course or courses within an academic year or while on academic probation, regardless of successful remediation of the component from a previous block; o Examples include failure of any of the following: anatomy lecture, anatomy practical, PPC/OMM lecture, PPC/OMM practical, simulation) (i.e. fails the Block 3 anatomy practical and the Block • A GPA of 2.79 or less; • Demonstrated inability to make academic progress while on Academic Probation; • Been on a leave of absence, temporary withdrawal, or suspension and has been granted the ability to re-enroll by the Campus Dean to determine appropriate placement in the curriculum; • Failed to meet the requirements set forth in previous Promotion Board decisions by the Dean and/or Provost; and/or • Other referrals by the Campus Dean the Associate Dean. It should be noted that students who are brought before the Promotion Board for F course grades on more than one occasion are generally dismissed. Additionally, both NBOME and VCOM only allow four attempts to pass COMLEX Level 1; therefore, failure of a fourth attempt on any level of COMLEX will result in dismissal. Reasons to Call a Promotion Board Meeting for OMS 3 and OMS 4 Students The Promotion Board meets at the conclusion of each rotation period in the OMS 3 and OMS 4 years to review students deemed to be having difficulty making academic progress. If there are no students to be reviewed at the end of a rotation period, the Promotion Board will not meet. The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs or the Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME will refer to Promotion Board any student who has: • Failed a clinical rotation performance evaluation, thereby failing the clinical rotation; • Failed an end-of-rotation exam within the same discipline twice (i.e. the second attempt of the pediatrics end-of-rotation exam), thereby failing the clinical rotation; • Failed to complete their research course requirement in the timeframe required; • A GPA of 2.79 or less; • Demonstrated inability to perform a minimum level of competency in any one area across multiple rotations on the clinical rotation competency based evaluation form demonstrating inability to make academic progress (repeated seldom or never ratings and/or unacceptable or below expectation ratings); 4 anatomy practical or fails the Block 3 PPC/OMM lecture component and the Block 4 anatomy practical component).
VCOM Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures
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