VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #S019

1. PURPOSE The Promotion Board convenes to assess the academic progress of students. This policy and procedure details VCOM administration, faculty, staff, and student responsibilities in the Promotion Board process. 2. DUTIES OF THE PROMOTION BOARD It is the responsibility of the Promotion Board to assess the academic progress of students toward the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree and make recommendations to the Campus Dean regarding students’ academic progress. The proceedings and deliberations of the Promotion Board are considered confidential, and members are not to discuss the proceedings outside the Promotion Board other than the Associate Deans and Campus Dean, or others deemed The OMS 1 and OMS 2 Promotion Process The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education oversees promotions to the next block and promotion from the OMS 1 to OMS 2 year and OMS 2 to OMS 3 year. The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education will review all grades at the end of Blocks 1 through 8 to determine eligibility for promotion to the next block and promotion to the next academic year. The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education will refer any student who is unable to successfully complete a course or courses within Blocks 1 through 8 to the Promotion Board for review, which occurs at the end of the block in which the failure occurred. Students must successfully complete all components of the academic year in order to be promoted to the next academic year. The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education presents students who have passed all requirements for an academic year to the Campus Dean for approval of promotion to the next academic year. The OMS 3 Promotion Process The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs oversees promotions to the next semester of the OMS 3 year and promotion from the OMS 3 year to the OMS 4 year. The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs will review all components for the OMS 3 year, which includes completion of all OMS 3 year coursework, performance evaluations, end-of-rotation exams, comprehensive exams, and COMLEX exams to determine eligibility for promotion to the next semester of the OMS 3 year and promotion to the OMS 4 year. The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs will refer any student who is unable to successfully complete a rotation within the OMS 3 year to the Promotion Board for review, upon receipt of a rotation failure. The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs presents students who have passed all requirements for an academic year to the Campus Dean for approval of promotion to the next academic year. appropriate in providing follow-up to the proceedings. 2.1 Academic Year Promotions and Graduation 2.1.1 2.1.2

VCOM Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures

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