VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #R012

a. Infectious waste, excluding used sharps, may be stored at room temperature until the storage container is full, but for no longer than 30 days from the date waste was first put in the container. b. A storage container filled with infectious waste may be stored in a refrigeration unit for up to 30 days from the date waste was first placed in the container. c. A storage container filled with infectious waste that has been filled within 30 days from the date waste was first placed in the container may be frozen immediately for up to 90 days from the date waste was first placed in the container. d. Sharps containers may be used until they are full. e. If the infectious waste becomes putrescent during the allowable storage period, the waste must be moved offsite within 24 hours for processing or disposal. 4. Ensure that all treated infectious waste, other than sharps, have been bagged in specially labeled red or orange "biohazard" bags. Bags should be purchased from approved vendors to ensure that they are free of heavy metal pigments. Any single bag of waste should weigh less than 20 pounds. 5. Place all treated (i.e., autoclaved) infectious waste bags and sharps containers into specially labeled infectious waste receptacles provided. Boxes will be provided for final packaging of infectious waste. Infectious waste that is mixed with radioactive waste or chemical waste requires special handling. The College contracts with a reputable biological waste company for disposal of all human and infectious waste, SciMed Waste Systems. SciMed Waste Systems disposes of human and infectious waste, and waste that contains radioactive material and assumes responsibility to render such waste as biologically inactive. Assurances and licenses by the company as well as procedures for handling of all materials until the time it is accepted by the company are the responsibility of the IEBC. Internal Assurances Removal of potentially infected waste or disinfecting / decontamination of college laboratories and equipment can be done internally. This can be done by autoclaving or adding sufficient household bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) to make up 10% of the total volume (i.e., 100 ml of bleach for each liter of liquid waste). Solid infectious waste containing radioactive material must be autoclaved. 5.6. Storage Requirements Infectious waste must be stored in a manner that: 1. Maintains the integrity of the containers, prevents the leakage or release of waste from the containers, and provides protection from water, rain and wind. 2. Prevents the spread of infectious agents. 3. Maintains the waste in a nonputrescent state. Storage containers must be: 1. Leak proof, 2. Impervious to moisture and 3. Sufficient in strength to prevent puncturing, tearing or bursting during storage. Sharps containers, in addition to the criteria listed above, must be: 1. Rigid,

2. Tightly lidded and 3. Puncture resistant.

5.7. Transportation of Potentially Hazardous Waste and Diagnostic Specimens In the case of transport of diagnostic specimens and potentially hazardous materials, the College will follow the CDC, DOT rules for definition of and transport of these materials. A copy of these guidelines follows these procedures.

VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety

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