VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #R006

Letters of Request to Sponsors The PI should author and sign post-award letters of request that need to be sent to sponsors on matters such as prior approval re-budgeting, extensions, supplemental funding, subcontracting or transfers. The original and one copy of the correspondence should then be forwarded to ORA, along with written certification of division approval. If a PI requests help in drafting the letter, ORA personnel will work with him or her to draft an appropriate letter. Confidentiality / Non-Disclosure Agreements Commercial organizations may require that VCOM and/or the PI execute a confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement prior to disclosure of a potential sponsored project protocol that the outside organization considers proprietary or confidential. The ORA is responsible for reviewing and approving such unidirectional confidentiality or nondisclosure agreements that are provided by commercial organizations as a precursor to sponsored research. 5. VCOM P OLICIES A PPLICABLE TO S PONSORED P ROJECTS 5.1. Intellectual Properties The VCOM Intellectual Property Policy includes the following provisions reprinted below relevant to sponsored projects. Research The College shall only enter into a research contract or other binding commitment to perform work that can reasonably be expected to be publishable, provide educational opportunities and/or be in the public interest. Use of the VCOM Name All written or broadcast material containing VCOM’s name for advertising, marketing, or other promotional purposes shall be submitted for approval to the Provost, Dean and Executive Vice President prior to use of such material. A statement on the use of VCOM’s name, or the names of its employees, shall be included in all appropriate contracts between industry (company) and VCOM. Publication VCOM shall enter into contracts or other binding commitments to conduct research and training only if such contracts or commitments permit the disclosure and publication of research. Delays in publication up to 90 days may be agreed to in order to permit time for filing of patent applications. Confidentiality Faculty, staff and students receiving remuneration for services shall not undertake research in which the sponsor: (i) prohibits the researcher from disclosing the existence of the agreement or (ii) restricts the researcher's public disclosure of information developed by that researcher. 5.2. Equipment Equipment is defined by the federal government and VCOM guidelines as an article of non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more per unit. Items that do not meet these criteria are classified as supplies. Accessories, component parts and installation cost of an item of equipment should be classified as part of the basic unit cost of the equipment. Do not list such charges separately. Replacement parts and computer software are classified as supplies. For most applications, justification must be provided for requests to purchase items of equipment that appear to duplicate or be equivalent to items already available in the research environment. It is a procurement requirement to obtain two (2) verbal quotes for equipment or personal property type items between $5,001 and $25,000. Where two verbal quotes are not possible, justification or explanation must be provided. These procedural guidelines are intended to define general federal policies that govern the allowable uses of equipment on federally sponsored projects for activities beyond those that are covered by the sponsored project. The federal regulations that govern equipment use are identified in 2.CFR.215 (OMB Circular A-110). PIs and

Office of Research Administration Grants Administration Policies and Procedures

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