VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #S018

• Private financial interest in the outcome of the decision related to the student in question; • Has provided health services to the student; • Awareness of any prejudice, pro or con, that would impair their judgment of the student in question; • Believes their recusal is necessary to preserve the integrity of the review process. Health professionals providing health services to students, through a physician-patient relationship, must recuse him/herself from the academic assessment or promotion of the student receiving those services. If a faculty member, fellow, resident, or other allied health professional is assigned to a role in which they will assess a student with whom they have previously provided health care services including psychological counseling, the faculty member, fellow, or resident must recuse themselves by notifying (without breaching confidentiality) the Associate Dean for Medical Education (for OMS 1 and OMS 2 students) or the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs (for OMS 3 and OMS 4 students). In the case of a conflict involving an OMS 1 or OMS 2 student, grading for that student will be conducted by another faculty member or by the Associate Dean for Medical Education. In the case of a conflict involving an OMS 3 or OMS 4 student, the student will be re-assigned to a rotation with another faculty member. In event that a faculty member, fellow, resident, or other allied health professional has not already recused themselves from assessment duties and a student is assigned to an educational environment in which the faculty member, fellow, or resident assigned to assess the student has previously provided health care services to the student, the student must advise (without breaching confidentiality) the Associate Dean for Medical Education (for OMS 1 and OMS 2 students) or the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs (for OMS 3 and OMS 4 students) and the student will be re-assigned or grading will be conducted by another faculty member. A member of the Promotion Board, Professional and Ethical Standards Board, or Honor Code Council must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about a student with whom they have a conflict of interest by notifying the committee chair. Prior to the student's presentation at the Promotion Board, Professional and Ethical Standards Board, or Honor Code Council, if the student identifies a conflict of interest with any member of the committee, that committee member must recuse themselves from the presentation, deliberation, and vote about the student. An admissions interviewer must recuse themselves from any participation in the admissions process (including attending committee meetings, screening applications, interviewing) for any applicant with whom they have any conflict of interest. The conflict will be resolved by reassigning the applicant to a different interviewer.

VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures

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