VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U028

1. PURPOSE VCOM committees create a framework for shared governance by advising administrators and fulfilling requirements for the College. Committees are composed of faculty, administrators, staff, and students who invest in the well-being of the College through this college service. The committees advise the College on the education and administration of the College’s program. The VCOM Policy on Principles, Rules, and Guidelines for Committees governs the method by which the work of VCOM committees is conducted. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AND CHARGES The President and Provost will have the authority to establish, continue, and/or abolish College-wide committees. Campus Deans may establish the Campus-specifc committees to carry out the work of the College on their campuses. The President and Provost, with input from the Campus Deans, will provide the College wide and Campus-specific committee with policies, procedures, and charges. The committee members may make recommendations to the Campus Deans and the President regarding the work of the committees and/or procedures. Vice Provosts, Vice Presidents, Associate Deans, the Faculty Senate, and/or the Student Government Association may recommend new sub-committees and/or additional polices and procedures for existing committees, to the President and Campus Deans. 2.1 Committee Membership The President and Provost will determine the required administrative appointments for the College-wide committees. The Campus Deans will then appoint the faculty and student members on the College-wide committees for each open position as prescribed in the Committee make-up and membership. The Campus Deans will make all faculty, staff, and student appointments for the campus specific committees. Expertise, interest, and diversity of membership will be considered when making appointments to committees. In addition, serving on a committee helps to enrich the faculty member’s knowledge of College decision making and Campus Deans will assure a rotation of faculty on committee membership to engage the opinions of many and to assure the education of faculty and students on the decision-making process of the College. 2.1.1 Faculty Eligibility and Membership

Faculty committee membership will be selected from full- or part-time academic, clinical, or research track faculty. In general, committee membership is selected from those who have been employed at VCOM for at least one (1) year prior to beginning committee services. The exception to this is when a specific faculty or administrative position is required on a committee, which necessitates faculty serving prior to being employed for

VCOM Policy on the Principles, Rules, and Guidelines for Committees

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