VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U024


Acceptable Question Unacceptable Question

If unacceptable, what is the reason Can be viewed as ethnic or racial discrimination


What languages do you speak and write fluently (ask only if position requires knowledge of additional languages)? What organizations do you think would help you perform the duties of the position you have applied for?

What is your native language? How did you learn to read, write or speak a foreign language?

Memberships in Organizations

List all the clubs, lodges and societies to which you belong?

Can be viewed as ethnic or racial discrimination

Race or color


What is the complexion or color of your skin? What is your weight, height or eye color? What is your religious affiliation or denomination? What religious holidays do you observe? Do you wish to be addressed as Mr., Miss, or Mrs.? What was your previous address? How long did you reside there? How long have you lived at your current address? What year did you graduate for high school or college?

Can be viewed as ethnic or racial discrimination Can be viewed as ethnic or racial discrimination Can be viewed as religious discrimination

Weight, height, eye color






Can be viewed as gender discrimination Can be viewed as ethnic or racial discrimination

Previous or current addresses



What educational courses have you completed or degrees do you have earned that helps qualify you for this position?

Can be viewed as age discrimination

References: Apodaca, N. (2011, February 16). Interview questions to ask, and stop asking. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management. (2010, September 1). Guidelines on interview and employment application questions. Retrieved from

VCOM Policy on Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, and Select Wage Employees Recruitment

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