VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U024

If a Hiring Committee is appointed, the hiring officer/supervisor should use discretion and professional judgment in selecting members for the committee (e.g., knowledge of the job duties to be performed by the position, working directly with the successful applicant). If a committee is not appointed, the hiring officer/supervisor will assure the candidate is interviewed by a minimum of two additional employees within that department. This practice is intended to avoid discrimination or impropriety. If a committee is appointed, the officer or supervisor should convene a planning meeting prior to reviewing applicants’ materials to discuss the grading or scoring procedures for applicants, the methodology for conducting interviews, dates and times that the Hiring Committee is available for future meetings, interviews, and any follow-up interviews or meetings. As certain administrative staff vacancies may be more difficult to fill, these vacancies may require a broader search, and may require applicants to travel a greater distance to VCOM for interviews. When approved by the officer/supervisor, these interview applicants may be approved for overnight lodging and additional expenses, i.e., travel expenses, meal expenses, etc. In these situations, the hiring officer/supervisor, with the aid of his or her administrative assistant, shall make appropriate arrangements, in compliance within the VCOM travel policy. IRS regulations permit VCOM only to reimburse the applicant for his or her travel expenses. VCOM does not pay travel expenses for the applicant’s spouse or traveling companion. 6. INTERVIEWS The purpose of conducting interviews is to provide an opportunity for the candidate(s) to showcase their talents and qualifications so that VCOM can determine which candidate will best serve VCOM in achieving its mission. The officer/supervisor and/or Hiring Committee shall develop the interview questions to ask all applicants during the interview, which shall be reviewed by HR. The interview questions shall relate to the requirements and preferences in the position description. Additionally, interviewers should reference the list of improper interview questions (Appendix A) that may be interpreted as discriminatory. Other applicants may continue to submit application materials after the interview process has begun. As a best practice, the officer/supervisor and interviewers shall review the applicants’ materials against the criteria to ascertain if these applicants should be interviewed. 7. CANDIDATE SELECTION Those involved in the interview and selection process are expected to assist in making the best recruitment decisions for VCOM. After the interview process is complete, the hiring officer/supervisor shall convene a meeting of the interviewers or the Hiring Committee to discuss and rank the respective candidates and make a recommendation to the Campus Dean and the President and Provost. The hiring officer/supervisor and/or the Hiring Committee should, whenever possible, determine whether a second or third ranked individual who meets the requirements for the position should be offered a position in the event the top ranked individual declines an offer. The President and Provost retains the right to make the final decision regarding the selection of candidates.

VCOM Policy on Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, and Select Wage Employees Recruitment

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