VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U022

per IRS guidelines. Under no circumstance should a day meal exceed the per diem dinner limit.

Employee’s individual personal (non-business) meals must not be placed on a VCOM-issued credit card and must not be submitted for reimbursement. If a VCOM–issued credit card is used for a personal meal, the employee will forfeit that entire day’s per diem allowance. As VCOM pays a meal per diem to employees traveling, meals must not be charged to lodging bills that are paid with VCOM-issued credit cards. 9.1 Business Dining Meals A business dining meal is any meal where official VCOM business is being conducted or discussed. Meals are not considered business meals unless there is a legitimate business purpose for the meal and the employee hosting the meal has been pre-approved for business dining by their Division Administrator as per the budget. Occasionally there are planned employee candidate recruitment meals where faculty or staff are discussing employment opportunities with VCOM with a potential employee. This must be pre approved by the Division Administrator and the candidate recruitment meals must be appropriately documented to include the name of the candidate, itemized receipts, attendees, and the specific position the candidate is being recruited for. • When spouses of candidates interviewing are also traveling and/or they are special guests invited to a meal where a candidate is interviewing; these may be charged to the Division Administrator’s or Campus Dean’s budget under business dining if pre-approved. Business dining meals should be charged to business dining under the Division of the employee hosting the pre-approved meal. • VCOM Administrators may use their VCOM-issued credit card for business dining. • Itemized receipts must be submitted for business meals and must include a list of attendees and the specific business purpose of the meal. • Employees on travel status and attending a business meal provided by VCOM either directly or indirectly must reduce their per diem for that meal. 9.2 Conference Meals/Meals Provided by Others Employees attending events in which meals are provided through other means, such as being provided by VCOM or by a conference, must reduce their per diem for those meals. Employees are not eligible for (and will not receive) a per diem allowance to pay for their meal when the conference or meeting attended provides the meal. If a meal is provided but the employee chooses to eat elsewhere, the added meal expense over the per diem amount is not reimbursable (unless dictated by dietary needs). Continental breakfast provided by lodging facilities or complimentary in-flight meals provided by airlines do not affect the employee's per diem allowance.

VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education Travel Policy

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