VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U022

employee may conduct a cost comparison of other hotels in the travel location and submit said documentation with the VCOM Travel Pre-approval Form. Without prior written approval, the employee will only be reimbursed up to the established lodging limit. Employees who use a VCOM-issued credit card and exceed the limit may be required to reimburse VCOM for the amount beyond the standard lodging rate. 8.2 Other Lodging Charges As VCOM pays a meal per diem to employees traveling, meals must not be charged to lodging bills that are paid with VCOM-issued credit cards. If meals are charged to a lodging bill that is paid with a personal credit card, the employee cannot request reimbursement for the meals. Long-distance phone charges and basic internet access (where not provided) will be reimbursed only with a documented business purpose. In-room movies and mini-bar purchases that are charged to a lodging bill will be considered personal expenses and will not be reimbursed by VCOM. Laundry charges will not be reimbursed. 8.3 Cancellations If the need arises to cancel a hotel reservation, the employee is responsible for notifying the hotel to avoid a "no-show" charge. If canceling directly with the hotel, the employee must request and keep a record of a cancellation confirmation number. "No show" charges are not reimbursable except under extenuating circumstances, which must be documented on the Travel Reimbursement Form. It is the employee's responsibility to pay attention to cancellation policies when booking. 8.4 Direct Billing Direct billing is primarily allowed only for group functions, which have been planned and authorized by the appropriate Division Administrator. All lodging costs should be paid by employees conducting individual travel and employees should not arrange for direct billing with VCOM unless directed to by their Division Administrator. Employees without sufficient means to incur lodging costs using personal funds may request individual travel arrangements be made using ,direct billing to the Division Administrator’s VCOM-issued credit card. However, approval must be in advance and is at the Division Administrator’s discretion. 8.5 Staying with Family or Friends Employees who stay with family or friends while traveling on business may submit for reimbursement a single, additional meal for the provider in lieu of lodging charges. This meal should be within the applicable per diem dinner limit. 8.6 Frequent Guest Programs Employees are permitted to keep any benefits of a non-cash nature received from frequent guest and other lodging promotional programs. However, under no circumstances are employees allowed to stay at properties with a higher cost to receive these benefits. 8.7 Group Bookings Groups of ten (10) or more employees or five (5) or more hotel rooms should be requested directly

VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education Travel Policy

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