VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U022

accompany the President and/or Provost on their flights using the VCOM aircraft to the other campuses. Any commercial airfare for non-employees that is booked by VCOM’s travel agent and paid for on the VCOM airfare card MUST have approval from the Campus Dean, President, or Provost. VCOM may also reimburse members of the Board of Directors and special guests for actual costs incurred when they have been required to attend specific meetings/events to conduct VCOM business. When submitting for reimbursement, members of the Board of Directors and special guests are expected to follow the same travel guidelines as VCOM employees. The President will provide final approval of all expense reimbursements for members of the Board of Directors and/or special guests. 5. TRAVEL APPROVALS AND ARRANGEMENTS Each employee is required to obtain their Division Administrator’s approval for all travel prior to making travel arrangements or taking a trip. There are two methods to obtain travel approval: 1. Concur Travel ( Employees established in Concur Travel must make arrangements using the system. • Conference hotels that must be booked through the conference website to obtain special lodging rates will require completion of the VCOM Travel Pre-approval form prior to booking. • Travel arrangements are routed automatically to an employee’s Division Administrator for requisite approval prior to booking the reservation. • Reference Concur Travel training and processes for more information on how travel is booked and approved in the system. • Employees should keep their profile up to date in Concur Travel. 2. VCOM Travel Pre-Approval Form Employees not established in Concur Travel must use the VCOM Travel Pre-Approval Form to obtain approval prior to making travel arrangements. • Reference VCOM Travel Pre-Approval Form training and processes for more information on how travel is approved and booked using this form. Regardless of whether the employee is established in Concur Travel or not, if the employee is requesting a travel policy exception (i.e. lodging rates exceeding established limits), the employee must complete a Travel Pre-Approval form and receive approval in advance of making travel arrangements. The request must provide evidence to substantiate the need for policy exception such as a cost comparison for lodging rates or flights (i.e., seasonal higher lodging or airfare rates). The Division Administrator may request further details related to the exception prior to approval to assure all requirements have been met prior to scheduling or seeking reimbursement. When planning business or CME/CE travel, the employee should always travel under the most economical means possible. An analysis should be performed by the employee to ascertain the least expensive means to travel. As an example, driving is probably less expensive than airfare for trips less than 200 miles. The employee must attempt to schedule travel as early as possible and scheduling a minimum of two weeks in advance ensures that fees are reasonable and more likely within the approved amounts for travel

VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education Travel Policy

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